Page updated: Saturday, December 20, 2003

Hampton Academy & Winnacunnet High School Alumni Association

65th Anniversary, Historic Souvenir Booklet, 1972

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Hampton Academy and Its Board of Trustees

By Arthur J. Moody, Class of ’53



The author apologizes to anyone who might have been slighted in the foregoing discourse on life and times of Hampton Academy. Undoubtedly, some facets of its long history were covered lightly or, perhaps, overlooked completely, while others — trivia to many — received considerable treatment. The availability of research material and the time element of publication deadlines had much to do with any omission. In the six months between conception and completion, the author explored all reasonable avenues for any substantive source material extant. The text includes information gleaned from such divergent sources as personal interviews and school records not yet open to the general public. During that investigation, the scope of this tract increased almost daily with the discovery of new data and phases in the development-to-demise history of the Hampton “Proprietary School,” the Academy and the Academy & High School as well as the perpetuation of the Academy name in the Academy Junior High School.

Hopefully, the results will give the interested reader the overall view intended — a reflection of the travail and the triumphs of the Academy, the undulating ups and downs of its well-being, the people and the edifices pertaining to Hampton Academy, a school nearly as old as the Nation itself.

And, paraphrasing one of those people, former Trustee President Rev. John A. Ross: “May Hampton never be without her Academy!” Amen.

  Arthur J. Moody ’53

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