Everything Must Go!
By Gina Carbone
Hampton Union, Friday, February 20, 2009
[The following article is courtesy of the Hampton Union and Seacoast Online.]
HAMPTON — If you want that seat in row 12, or a letter from the marquee, or maybe that poster on the far wall, you’d better be up with the dawn patrol. Hampton Cinema Six, which closed last Sunday, is selling off its remaining merchandise Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
“I think everything’s going to be gone by noon,” said owner John Tinios.
A lot of the items are already pre-sold. The “big stuff,” like the projectors, have been taken and will go to other theaters. There are still many “paper products,” Tinios said, plus candy, posters, signage, the letters from “HAMPTON CINEMAS” and even seats.
They’re selling seats by rows, with the costs varying with the different styles. Tinios didn’t have any prices handy on Friday, but said things would be “pretty cheap” and “reasonable.”
But after 29 years with the cinema, Tinios isn’t letting everything go.
“I’ve kept several things that are personal and have sentimental value,” he said, including the first poster they put up and other “firsts.”
“They won’t mean anything to anyone else, but they mean something to me and my family.”
Everything must go:
Saturday, February 21, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Hampton Cinema Six at 321 Lafayette Road, near the Galley Hatch restaurant.