New Hampshire Business Review, June 16, 2000

Reprinted with permission of the New Hampshire Business Review

Responding to the needs of parents, Internet On/Off, located in Hampton, has introduced a device that will revolutionize a parent s ability to control their child’s access to the Internet.

The switch, a small key about the size of a pack of gum, is easily plugged into the USB port of most personal computers. Once installed the switch can enable or disable access to the Internet without disrupting any other functions of the computer. The device is ideal for schools, libraries, businesses and homes where access to the Internet needs to be monitored or controlled.

The device, another in the long list of products from Eutron Corporation, a company that specializes in securing Internet and software applications for business and personal computers, is practical and easy-to-use. It’s as simple as opening the box, plugging the key into the Universal Serial Bus port on the back of your computer, inserting the software CD and typing in your instructions for Internet usage. Once the time limit you placed on the computer has been met the computer is automatically disconnected from the Internet and cannot be reconnected until a new session automatically begins the next day or the key is reset. Once installed, advanced software technology makes it impossible to circumvent.

“Reading the initial responses from our recent product launch throughout Europe gives me a nice sense of accomplishment knowing we have developed such a useful and needed product,” said Michele Leide, executive vice president of Internet On/Off Corporation.

Eutron initially developed the On/Off switch to meet the needs of parents but the device works for all applications where access to the Internet needs to be monitored. Eutron’s device works with all Internet Service Providers and is compatible with any personal computer equipped with Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000 operating systems.

“As a parent I am very excited about this product. With the Internet On/Off switch we parents now have the ability to set limits or even restrict Internet usage without constant monitoring,” said Richard Laskey, president of Internet On/Off Corp.