Smuttynose Welcomed to Towle Farm

By Annie Hamilton

Hampton Union, Tuesday, August 19, 2008

[The following article is courtesy of the Hampton Union and Seacoast Online.]

Smuttynose Brewing Company President Peter Egelston, center, toasts to closing on the property at Towle Farm Road In Hampton as the site of the new Smuttynose brewery on FrIday, Aug. 15. Standing In front of the old Towle Farm barn that will become a restaurant are, from left, Chris McInnis, broker; Peter Hatem, attorney; Tom Keane, attorney; Egelston; Joanne Francis, art director of Smuttynose Brewing Co.; Paul McInnis, broker and Gregory and Jennifer Sancoff, former owners of the property.
[John Carden Photo]

HAMPTON — The Smuttynose brewery officially owns property in Hampton.

Smuttynose Brewing Company President Peter Egelston closed on the property at Towle Farm Road on Friday, Aug. 15. The house and barn on the property are the original structures the Towle family occupied through most of the 1800s and 1900s.

The house sits directly where the brewery will be constructed, so Egelston has opted to move it rather than destroy it. It may even remain on the property.

Egelston said if everything goes according to plan, construction should start in late spring of 2009. No builder as has yet been selected for the project.

During the closing process that happened Friday in the kitchen of the old Towle house, it was discovered the copper pipes have been cut and stollen from the house. Previous property owner Gregory Sancoff assured Egelston the pipes will be replaced with plastic ones this week. Egelston is also considering having someone live in the old farmhouse until construction starts to keep an eye on the property.

Egelston brought a few bottles of Smuttynose Farmhouse Ale to celebrate with everyone who attended the closing. They stood in the barn, the future site of the Smuttynose restaurant and bar, and raised a toast in celebration of the end of a six-year search for a home for Smuttynose, and the beginning of an exciting new process.

Egelston looked around the barn and pointed out what changes will be made. He plans to add many more windows and raise the second floor to give the first floor more space.

“The goal is to keep the flavor of the original barn,” Egelston said.

The basement and adjacent yard will be turned into a tavern and patio area. The first and second floors will be dining areas and a kitchen and restrooms will be added.

Much of the wood in the barn now will be recycled and used to make tables. Smuttynose Art Director Joanne Francis said decisions like that are part of the concept and the spirit of a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certified building.

Egelston still can’t believe all the pieces are finally falling into place for him to move the brewery. He said with a smile, “This is turning the page.”