A popcorn and refreshment stand on the boardwalk at Hampton Beach, N.H.

Scenes of Historic Hampton

Compliments of Community Bank & Trust Company
Hampton, New Hampshire — (603) 929-2100

{Photos courtesy of Lane Memorial Library}

[Website compiled by John M. Holman, Hampton History Volunteer]

— JANUARY 2004 —

This photo shows Fred Perkins sand and gravel crew with Johnny Rowe pictured at right. Fred E. Perkins was a local farmer and teamster who lived his entire life in his family home on Landing Road. For several years he held the position of the Town Highway Agent, and his sand and gravel crews maintained local roads. He died May 26, 1938.

— FEBRUARY 2004 —

The Hampton Fishing Clique, 1909. From left to right are Charles Harrison (a blacksmith from Hampton Falls), Eugene Janvrin (a meat man), and at the far right is Walter Goss (a local house painter). Others are unknown.

— MARCH 2004 —

The Bradford Shoe Company plant on Kershaw Avenue was built by town businessmen in 1935 to bring industry to town during the Depression. It stayed in business until 1949 when it was replaced by Nichols Poultry Farm, and in 1961 by the Pearse Leather Company. It has since been home to numerous small businesses.

— APRIL 2004 —

The Snuff Box, Ethel Virally antique shop, was located at the corner of Lafayette Road and Winnacunnet Road. The location is now the site occupied by Robert K. Gray Jr. Funeral Home, 24 Winnacunnet Road. The Snuff Box building was later moved to 151 Winnacunnet Road, where it eventually became the LaBarre Chiropractic Clinic.

— MAY 2004 —

The car barn of the trolley company, (right) built in 1897 and burned in 1907. The power house of the Exeter & Hampton Electric Company (left) was used until 1927. The buildings (at this location) have changed since this photo was taken. They stand at the southwest corner of Timber Swamp Road and Exeter Road. Prior to 1939, they were converted into a community hall, basketball court and skating rink. After that it was the home of the Hamptons’ American Legion Post #35 until 1962, [when they purchased the Grange Hall at 69 High Street.] It has held a variety of businesses since then.

— JUNE 2004 —

Nelson J. Norton’s blacksmith shop was located on High Street. Norton also made wagons. The one pictured belonged to Edwin Janvrin, the lumber dealer who supplied the construction materials for the Casino and many other beach buildings.

— JULY 2004 —

Crew of the Hampton Beach Coast Guard station, which was located at the end of High Street from 1899-1973. Pictured are, from front left, Wallace Mullin, Jasper Myers, officer in charge, Mickey the mascot, George LaMott Sr., Tom Searles and Charles Hunking. In the rear are Edward Blake and two unknown men.

— AUGUST 2004 —

A popcorn and refreshment stand on the beach boardwalk about 1914. This stand was probably owned by the street railway, whose ticket booth can be seen just to the left of the stand. The railway company paid the town $100 for a license to sell popcorn here, while Robert B. Ring paid $300 for a more lucrative location right on the beach only a few yards away. This is the area currently occupied by the Sea Shell building at the main beach.

— SEPTEMBER 2004 —

William Kennedy and family, at right, and Robert Moore and his family, just before the two men entered a fallout shelter for a test, an experiment which nearly killed them. The shelter, located behind Kennedy’s Restaurant, cost $2,800 to build. While the public has remained apathetic about civil defense, the subject of fallout shelters was to place Hampton Beach businessman William Kennedy in the headlines.
“In September 1961, Civil Defense Director Douglass Hunter conducted a meeting about fallout shelters at the courthouse. At that time, three shelters were already under construction in Hampton, one by Kennedy behind his restaurant at North Beach. The walls of the boxlike structure were made of 8 inches of concrete, 12 inches of dirt, and another 8 inches of concrete interlaced with steel. In late September, Kennedy and Robert Moore entered the concrete-block shelter for a five-day test. They almost did not come out alive. ‘Most of my friends thought I was crazy when I started building this thing,’ Kennedy jested just before he entered the $2,800 shelter, ‘but my wife thought it was a good idea. She never stopped encouraging me.’ “Just 18 hours after entering the shelter, the two men staggered out, suffering from lack of oxygen, and were rushed to Exeter Hospital. The men quickly recovered and, after making a few repairs, Kennedy and 56-year-old Adrionus van Hooijdonk of Exeter Road went back for a 48-hour test. After this success, and joined by Kennedy’s son Ricky, the men returned to the shelter in November for 14 days. Kennedy said he wanted to find out what it was like to live in a shelter. As a result of this experience, Kennedy called upon the government to test and certify equipment so that shelters would be safe. The shelter was never tested again. A few years later, it was leveled by a crane with a steel ball because an engineering firm said it was ‘in imminent danger of collapsing.’

(–Randall’s History of Hampton, 1888-1988.”

— OCTOBER 2004 —

Stacy Nudd hauling a gondola loaded with marsh hay in Nudd’s Canal, 1912. On board are Paul and John Nudd and George Brown. Nudd’s Canal, built in the early 1800’s, was a more direct route from the Landing to the sea, taking two miles off the trip down the winding river.

— NOVEMBER 2004 —

Crew of a Coast Guard Lifesaving Station, possibly the one at North Beach in Hampton, sits down for a Thanksgiving dinner.

— DECEMBER 2004 —

Byron’s Garage at 9 Marsh Avenue, (now Ashworth Avenue), about 1930, was opened in the mid-1920’s by Byron E. Redman and offered auto repair, storage, supplies and washing into the mid-1930’s. Redman was also the former proprietor of the Olympia Garage on A Street, and the Redman Shoe Company. He lived his life in Hampton, retiring to Florida during his final winters, where he died in 1981. He served in political office as Town Moderator, Selectman, State Representative and State Senator.

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