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January 29, 1641, the Meeting-house porch was, by vote, appropriated as “a watch-house till another may be gotten.”

The same day a vote was passed concerning a pound. The record is as follows: “A Pound (about thirty foote square) is appointed to be sett up by Mr. Dalton’s fence; two sides being firmly pro[***] the other sides are to [be] done with sawen railes and posts; [William] Howard undertaking to fell trees, and Wm Eastow and Ro[bert] Marston ***.” [*** signifies illegible sections of the old document]

Soon afterwards this vote was passed : “The Pound mentioned [at] the last meeting, is appointed to be made [on] the 16th day of this moneth [February] by Thomas King and his company viz.: [***] Moulton, Wm Howard, Abra: Perkins, Philemon Dalton, Jeffrey Mingay, Robert Page, James Davis, Sam: Greenfield, Edm: Johnson , Henry Ambrose and Stephen Samborne.” Afterwards it was ordered that Richard Knight should make a gate for the pound, instead of working at the common.

The town having provided a pound, soon after chose Richard Swaine “heyward, or pound keepr for the next yeare & for impounding great beasts,” he was to be allowed two pence apiece, and for small cattle, one penny apiece.


March 23: “Upon our commoners undertaking to satisfy Jo: [John Philbrick] for his house and lott, and upon John Legat’s request, the lott that Eldred was to have had in the Wigwam Row, is granted unto the said Jo : Legat, he coming and dwelling upon it.”

The Wigwam Row, here mentioned, extended, if we may trust tradition, nearly parallel with the present road leading from Lane’s corner towards Exeter, but farther down the declivity in the meadows, and reached from about the site of Andrew J. Philbrick’s homestead to the field opposite the house of the late John Dearborn. It probably received its name from Indian wigwams built on the declivity of the hill where it slopes down in a southwesterly direction towards the meadows. The high ground above was probably covered with a dense forest, and, if so, a spot more sheltered from the cold winds and storms of winter, could hardly be found; and as the Indians were not slow to discover the most favorable localities, here, doubtless, several families had their homes, and hence the name.

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