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At a meeting of the freeholders and commoners, in the winter of 1709, two privileges or shares in the cow common on the south side of Taylor’s river were granted to each of the five farms, thus increasing the number of shares on that side to one hundred fifty seven, while the number on the north side of the river remained as before. This change was made, to meet the claims of the owners of the farms, founded on an agreement of the town, when the ownership of the common was settled, in 1646.

The year 1710 is memorable for the death of Rev. John Cotton, pastor of the church, and the beginning of Mr. Gookin’s ministry.


At the annual election of town officers, December 29, 1712, it was voted, that the selectmen and constables, chosen a year before, should continue in office, till the first Monday in the following March. From that time to the present, the annual town meeting has been held in the month of March.

At the same meeting as above: Voted, “That there shall be twenty shillings more aded to the former twenty for him that kills a woulf within the Bounds of our Town till the Town null the acte by uote.”

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