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Six years before this time, namely, in November, 1708, the Great Ox Common began to pass into permanent possession of the proprietors. The shares had, like the marshes farther north, been drawn for once in six years; but now, the drawings for shares in the thatch ground were by vote, to be “forever.” In September, 1714, the shares of upland, and a month later, those of marsh, came to a final drawing; and this tract, which, in 1641, had been set apart for a common “to the world’s end,” now, after 73 years, ceased to be a common, though a portion of it has ever since retained the name.


Hogpen Farm, so called, was originally granted to Rev. Seaborn Cotton, and was laid out in 1668. The farm had since been sold, and considerable inconvenience — not to say injury — was experienced by those owning land adjoining it, by the present owners refusing to show the bounds of the farm. The selectmen judging it necessary to have the bounds accurately determined, in order to prevent controversy, directed that the farm should be re-surveyed. They gave seasonable notice to the owners, of their intention to meet on the farm for this purpose, on the first day of November, 1714. They also notified to be present all persons owning land adjoining, and “other persons who dwelt on or near ye sd farme 40 or 50 years” before, to give the best information they could, relating to the bounds. The selectmen, surveyors and lot-layers accordingly met at the time appointed. The selectmen then requested the owners of the farm, who were present, viz.: Edmund Johnson, John Green and Benjamin Green, to show them the bounds thereof. They replied, that they had never known them. Information was then sought from aged men, who had been acquainted with the property many years; and having fully satisfied themselves in relation to some of the bounds, the selectmen and lot layers made the survey, and marked out the farm by metes and bounds. Their Return was entered on the Town Book. “Hogpen meadow,” belonging to the farm, was surveyed the following February.
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