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Not for a moment, did the petitioners abandon their purpose, but a reason for this long postponement of their hopes seems probable from the next attempt. It does not appear that any opposition was made at first, in the proposed parish itself; but in the autumn of 1734, a second petition, signed by thirty-five persons, was presented to the Legislature, setting forth the facts in regard to the former petition and the action thereon, and also stating that they had since erected a meeting-house; and they now asked that the parish in the north part of the town might be ratified, confirmed and established, within the limits proposed in 1719, except the portion that had been annexed to Rye. A remonstrance was also presented, signed by twenty-six persons living within the limits of the proposed parish.

On the 9th of October, a day of hearing was appointed, and an order of notice to Hampton made, by the Council and the House. On the 15th of October, the petitioners and remonstrants were heard by themselves and counsel; and the House voted that the petition be dismissed. The project then slumbered four years longer.

In November, 1738, after the refusal of the town to free the inhabitants of North Hill from paying their proportion of Rev. Ward Cotton’s salary, [Chapter XXII] they again petitioned the General Court, twenty-eight men giving their signatures to the paper, representing the difficulties under which they had labored in attending public worship in the old town of Hampton, so that they had erected a meeting-house of their own; and praying that they might have liberty to maintain and support the worship of God among themselves; and that they, their estates, their polls and the polls under them, might be excused from paying any of the town rates or taxes.

The town sent Christopher Page, Senr. and Samuel Palmer to the court, to remonstrate.

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