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At the annual town-meeting in 1747, Samuel Dow was elected town treasurer — the first, as far as appears from the records, ever chosen by the town.

It was voted that all money due to the town by bond, or in any other way, except the taxes assessed by the selectmen, and also the powder money, should be delivered into the hands of the treasurer, as it might from time to time be paid in; and he was authorized to loan the same at his discretion. For whatever sums he received he was expected to give a receipt, but no bond for the faithful performance of duty appears to have been required.

Voted: “The money the powder was sold for shall be laid out for powder again for the town stock, by Capt. Jonathan Marston.”

It was also voted, though not without opposition, to see by public auction the house and barn, that the town had several years before built for Madam Gookin, [Chap. XX.] who was now living with her daughter at Kingston. Subsequently (March 23), Philip Towle, Henry Fifield and Amos Towle were authorized to see the buildings and one acre of land around them, and make a conveyance thereof in behalf of the town. The property was sold to Mr. Thomas Rand, and the proceeds divided with North Hampton. The town afterward ordered that £100 should be delivered to the selectmen towards paying the expenses of the town, so that the taxes of the next year might be diminished. Madam Gookin died the next year, and her funeral charges were paid from the remaining portion, the residue being passed into the treasury.

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