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The next May, a committee of correspondence was appointed by the popular branch of the General Assembly. This measure was displeasing to Governor Wentworth, and he first adjourned, and soon after dissolved the assembly. But he could not thus smother the rising flame of liberty. At the call of the committee, the representatives again met, and, though the governor, through the sheriff of Rockingham, ordered them to disperse, they proceeded with their business. They wrote to all the towns in the province, requesting them to send delegates to a convention to be holden at Exeter, for the purpose of choosing delegates to a General Congress of the American colonies.

The town of Hampton responded to the call, and on the 18th of May chose Col. Jonathan Moulton, Col. Christopher Toppan, Capt. Josiah Moulton and Josiah Moulton 3d to attend the convention at Exeter. They were empowered to act in behalf of the town, on all questions that might arise.

The convention, consisting of eighty-five deputies, met at Exeter on the following Thursday, May 21. The sum of two hundred pounds, to defray the expenses of the two delegates chosen to the Congress, that was to meet at Philadelphia in September, was raised by the towns. The proportion for Hampton was three pounds thirteen shillings.

In January, 1775, the town chose deputies to another convention, to be holden at Exeter, and invested them with such powers as the purposes of the convention seemed to require. On this occasion, nine deputies were chosen, viz: the four who had served in the former convention, and with them, Capt. Jeremiah Sanborn, Anthony Emery and Amos Coffin, Esquires, Mr. William Moulton and Lieut. John Fogg. The sum appropriated for the expenses of the delegates to the next Continental Congress, chosen at this convention, was two hundred fifty pounds, of which Hampton paid six pounds ten shillings sixpence, having raised the same by a tax. The convention chose a committee of correspondence, authorized to call another convention when necessary, and adopted such measures for the general safety as seemed imperative. And none too soon: in less than three months the guns of Lexington echoed throughout the country.

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