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In the spring and summer of 1776, efforts were made to ascertain, as nearly as possible, who were friendly to the American cause and who still adhered to the British. The former about this time began to be called WHIGS, and the latter, TORIES — names that had been in use in England nearly a century, to denote the country party and the court party. One means now employed was to offer to the people for their signatures, TEST PAPERS, as they were called, the nature and design of which are shown by the Resolves of Congress, and the orders issued to the selectmen of the several towns in New Hampshire, by the Committee of Safety, which are here introduced. Many of these papers are still preserved in the office of the Secretary of State at Concord. The one from Hampton contains the names of one hundred seventy-four signers — only two persons having refused to sign. As it is an interesting and important document, it is her given in full, with no other change than a transposition of the names so as to arrange them in alphabetical order as a matter of convenience.


In Committee of Safety, April 12, 1776.

In order to carry the underwritten RESOLVE of the Hon’ble Continental CONGRESS into Execution, You are requested to desire all Males above Twenty-one years of age (Lunaticks, Idiots, and Negroes excepted) to sign to the DECLARATION on this Paper; and when so done, to make Return hereof, together with the Name of Names of all who shall refuse to sign the same, to the General-Assembly, or Committee of Safety of this Colony.


M. Weare, Chairman.

In Congress, March 14, 1776.

Resolved: That it be recommended to the several Assemblies, Conventions, and Councils, or Committees of Safety of the United Colonies, immediately to cause all Persons to be disarmed, within their Respective Colonies, who are notoriously disaffected to the Cause of AMERICA, or who have not associated, and refuse to associate, to defend by ARMS, the United Colonies, against the Hostile Attempts of the British Fleets and Armies.

Extracts from the Minutes.


Charles Thompson, Sec’ry.

In consequence of the above Resolution of the Hon. Continental CONGRESS, and to show our Determination in joining our American Brethren, in defending the Lives, Liberties and Properties of the Inhabitants of the UNITED COLONIES;

WE the subscribers do hereby solemnly engage and promise, that we will, to the utmost of our Power, at the Risque of our Lives and Fortunes, with ARMS, oppose the Hostile Proceedings of the British Fleets and Armies, against the United American COLONIES.

John Allarman
Jeremiah Ballard
Benjamin Batchelder
Carter Batchelder
Jeremiah Batchelder
Nathaniel Batchelder
Jethro Blake
Jonathan Blake
Nathan Blake
Samuel Blake
Wm Branscombe
Moses Brown
Nathan Brown
Samuel Brown
Samuel, jun.
Zechariah Brown
Amos Coffin
John Crosbie
John Dearborn
Josiah Dearborn
Nathaniel Dearborn
John Dow
Joseph Dow
Samuel Dow
Simon Dow
Jonathan Dowst
John Drake
John Drake, jun.
Robert Drake
Robert Drake, jun.
Samuel Drake
Samuel Drake, jun.
Henry Elkins
Jonathan Elkins
Moses Elkins
Anthony Emery
Henry Fifield
Stephen Fifield
John Fogg
George Freese
Joseph Freese
Jonathan Garland
Jonathan Garland, jun.
Joseph Garland
Jonathan Godfrey
James Hobbs
Morris Hobbs
Joshua James
Richard Jenness
Thomas Jenness
Elisha Johnson
James Johnson
John Johnson
Joseph Johnson
Nathaniel Johnson
Amos Knowles
Amos Knowles, jun.
Jeremiah Knowles
Daniel Lamprey
John Lamprey
John Lamprey, jun.
Nathaniel Lamprey
Reuben Lamprey
Ebenezer Lane
Jeremiah Lane
John Lane
Joshua Lane
Josiah Lane
Oliver Wellington Lane
Simon Lane
Ward Lane
William Lane
William Lane, jun.
Jonathan Leavitt
Thomas Leavitt
Jonathan Locke
Samuel Locke
Andrew Mace
Elisha Marston
Ephraim Marston
Jeremiah Marston, jun.
John Marston
Jonathan Marston
Jonathan Marston, jun.
Philip Marston
Samuel Marston
Simon Marston
Benjamin Mason
Edmund Mason
Josiah Mason
Micajah Morrill
Benjamin Moulton
Elisha Moulton
Ephraim Moulton
Ezekiel Moulton
John Moulton
John Moulton, jun.
John Moulton, 3d
John Moulton, 4th
John Moulton, 5th
John Moulton, 6th
Jonathan Moulton
Jonathan Moulton, jun.
Josiah Moulton
Josiah Moulton, jun.
Josiah Moulton, 3d
Nathan Moulton
Robert Moulton
Small Moulton
William Moulton
John Nay
Joseph Nay
Samuel Nay
Simon Nudd
Thomas Nudd
Abner Page
Benjamin Page
Samuel Page
Shubael Page
Stephen Page
Thomas Page
Jacob Palmer
James Perkins
Daniel Philbrick, jun.
James Philbrick
John Philbrick
Joseph Philbrick
Samuel Philbrick
John Randall
John Redman
Abner Sanborn
Jeremiah Sanborn
John Sanborn
Jonathan Sanborn
Nathan Sanborn
Simon Sanborn
Winthrop Sanborn
Benjamin Brown Shaw
Edward Shaw
Gideon Shaw
Jeremiah Shaw
Jonathan Shaw
Joshua Shaw
Samuel Shaw
Henry D. Taylor
John Taylor
John Taylor, jun.
Ebenezer Thayer
Christopher Toppan
Abraham P. Towle
Amos Towle
Amos Towle (tanner)
Elisha Towle
James Towle
John Towle
Jonathan Towle
Joseph Towle, jun.
Joshua Towle
Joshua Towle, jun.
Josiah Towle
Nathaniel Towle
Philip Towle
Philip Towle, jun.
Samuel Towle
Samuel Towle,(jun.?)
Simon Towle
Benjamin Tuck
John Tuck
Jonathan Tuck
Jonathan Tuck, jun.
Cotton Ward
Thomas Woodman

Colony of New Hampshire. Pursuant to the within Request, we the subscribers, Selectmen of Hampton, have Desired all males within said Hampton, above twenty-on years of age (Lunatics, Idiots, and Negroes excepted) to sign to the Declaration on this paper; and there are that have Refused to sign the same, viz.: Capt. Jeremiah Marston & Daniel Philbrick.

Given under our hands & Dated

at Hampton aforesaid

June ye 4th, 1776

William Lane }
Joseph Dow } Selectmen
Josiah Dearborn }of
Jonathan Garland }Hampton
Cotton Ward }

To the Honorle Committee of Safety of said Colony of New Hampshire.

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