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Memorial Record — Part 1

A list of the Soldiers and Sailors, in the war of the Rebellion of 1861 to 1865, from and of Hampton, N.H., with date of enlistment and discharge, also rank at each period, reenlistments and deaths. Those marked * are dead [as of 1892].

Second Regiment, N.H. Volunteers — Three Years

  Rank When Mustered Rank When Discharged Cause
*Joseph Samuel Gillespie Co. B, Priv. June 1, 1861 Sergeant, June 13, 1865 Reenlisted; Drowned in James river, Va.

Third Regiment, N.H. Volunteers — Three Years

  Rank When Mustered Rank When Discharged Cause
*Charles Franklin Dunbar Captain, Aug. 22, 1861 Captain, June 20, 1862 Resigned
(*?) Orrin Mozart Dearborn 2nd Lieut. Aug. 22, 1861 Captain, Feb. 11, 1865 Resigned
*Jefferson Clinton Dunbar 1st Sergt. Aug. 23, 1861 1st Sergt. July 31, 1862 Disability
*George Perkins Sergeant, Aug. 23, 1861 Sergeant, Aug. 16, 1864 Killed in action
*David Pickering Marston Sergeant, Aug. 23, 1861 Sergeant, Mar. 11, 1862 Disability
*Joseph Warren Akerman Sergeant, Aug. 23, 1861 2nd Lieut. July 28, 1863 Resigned
Abram Dow Corporal, Aug. 23, 1861 Sergt. Nov. 5, 1862 Disability
William Eldredge Lane Corporal, Aug. 23, 1861 Sergt. Aug. 23, 1864 Expiration term of service
John Sanborn James Corporal, Aug. 23, 1861 Captain, July 20, 1865 Close of war
*William Henry Blake Private, Aug. 23, 1861 Private, Aug. 23, 1864 Expiration term of service
*George Tyler Crane Private, Aug. 23, 1861 Sergeant, June 26, 1865 Wounded. Disability
*Jonathan Nudd Dow Private, Aug. 23, 1861 Sergeant, Feb. 20, 1862 Died of disease
*Hale Bradford Dearborn Private, Aug. 23, 1861 Private, July 20, 1865 Close of war
Samuel Wesley Dearborn Private, Aug. 23, 1861 Private, Aug. 23, 1864 Expiration term of service
William Ladd Dodge Private, Aug. 26, 1861 1st Lieut. Oct. 19, 1864 Expiration term of service
*James Fair Private, Aug. 23, 1861 Private, June 16, 1862 Killed in action
*George Washington Goss Private, Aug. 23, 1861 Sergeant, May 20, 1865 Wounded. Disability
Washington Hobbs Godfrey Private, Aug. 23, 1861 Private, Aug. 23, 1864 Expiration term of service
*John Franklin Hobbs Private, Aug. 23, 1861 Corporal, Mar. 15, 1865 Died of disease
*George Washington Marston Private, Aug. 23, 1861 Private, July 20, 1865 Close of war
*David Warren Perkins Private, Aug. 23, 1861 1st Sergt. May 13, 1864 Killed in action
*Joseph Eldredge Palmer Private, Aug. 23, 1861 Private, May 16, 1864 Killed in action
*Simon Nudd Lamprey Corporal, Aug. 22, 1861 1st Lieut. Aug. 16, 1864 Died next day from wounds.
Amos Jackson Towle 2nd Lieutenant, Not mustered  
Joseph Warren Dow Sergeant, Rejected at Concord, N.H. Disability

Excepting Simon N. Lamprey, who enlisted from Exeter, in Co. B, the above went out as part of Co. D. Lieutenant Towle was counted out by additions from other places, and not mustered. Sergeant J. Warren Dow could not pass the medical examination; both served with company three months while at Fort Constitution, N.H., previous to its joining the Third. Sergeant Dow was afterwards twice drafted, and rejected both times. He thereupon served as a recruiting officer in New Hampshire.

John S. James, George T. Crane, Hale B. Dearborn, George W. Goss, John F. Hobbs and George W. Marston reenlisted in 1864.

Of the twenty-five, four were killed in action; one died of wounds; two died of disease, in service; and two were wounded. Twelve served three years; and three were with regiment at final muster. Seven out of the twenty-five are alive at mid-summer 1892, five of whom served three years or more.

Fifth Regiment, N. H. Volunteers — Three Years

  Rank When Mustered Rank When Discharged Cause
Oliver Washington Blake Co. D Priv. Oct. 23, 1861 Private, Oct. 25, 1862 Disability
Alonzo Whipple Shaw Co. D Priv. Oct. 23, 1861 Private, Nov. 20, 1862 Wounded

Sixth Regiment, N.H. Volunteers — Three Years

  Rank When Mustered Rank When Discharged Cause
Thomas Horace Dearborn Co. C, Sergt. Nov. 27, 1861 Captain, Nov. 27, 1864 Expiration term of service
James Elkins Co. C, Musician, Nov. 27, 1861 Musician, June 24, 1862 Disability
Andrew Jackson Davis Co. C, Private, Nov. 27, 1861 Private, Nov. 29, 1864 Expiration term of service

On the call for troops in 1861, T. H. Dearborn joined the Second Company of Boston Fusileers, and also entered a school for military instruction, under French officers; but, soon after, enlisted at Seabrook, in the Sixth regiment. He was never away from his regiment during active service; was wounded at Chantilly, September 1, 1862.

Seventh Regiment, N.H. Volunteers — Three Years

  Rank When Mustered Rank When Discharged Cause
Wyman Dearborn Co. K, Priv. Dec. 11, 1861 Private, June 26, 1862 Disability

Eighth Regiment, N.H. Volunteers — Three Years

  Rank When Mustered Rank When Discharged Cause
John Carr Davis Co. B, Priv. Nov. 22, 1861 Private, Jan. 17, 1865 Expiration term of service
*Charles Henry Davis Co. B, Priv. Dec. 26, 1861 Private, Jan. 1864 Missed

As nothing has ever been heard from C. H. Davis, it is supposed he was captured, and died, while in the enemy’s hands.

Ninth Regiment, N.H. Volunteers — Three Years

  Rank When Mustered Rank When Discharged Cause
*David Godfrey Co. G, Priv. May 17, 1864 Private, Oct. 22, 1864 Died of disease

Eleventh Regiment, N.H. Volunteers — Three Years

  Rank When Mustered Rank When Discharged Cause
Frank K. Stratton Chaplain, Sept. 3, 1862 Chaplain, May 5, 1863 Resigned
David Allen Moulton Co. I, Corp. Sept. 3, 1862 Sergeant, June 4, 1865 Wounded. Close of war.
*Jeremiah Batchelder Co. I, Priv. Sept. 3, 1862 Private, July 30, 1864 Missed in action, at battle of the Mine.

Fourteenth Regiment, N.H. Volunteers — Three Years

  Rank When Mustered Rank When Discharged Cause
*John Calvin Perkins Co. D, Sergt. Sept. 23, 1862 Sergeant, May 22, 1865 Disability.
*Samuel Sherburne Page Co. D, Corpl. Sept. 23, 1862 Corporal, July 8, 1865 Close of war.
Parker Alvin Emery Co. D, Priv. Sept. 23, 1862 Private, July 18, 1865 Wounded. Close of war.
Jacob Tallant Godfrey Co. D, Priv. Sept. 23, 1862 Private, July 8, 1865 Close of war.
Oliver Hobbs Godfrey Co. D, Priv. Sept. 23, 1862 Private, July 8, 1865 Close of war.
*James Albert Gillespie Co. D, Priv. Sept. 23, 1862 Private, July 7, 1865 Wounded. Close of war.
Patrick Heffron Co. D, Priv. Sept. 23, 1862 Private, July 8, 1865 Close of war.
Otis Horace Marston Co. D, Priv. Sept. 23, 1862 Private, July 8, 1865 Close of war.
*Melbern Marston Co. D, Priv. Sept. 23, 1862 Private, Sept. 19, 1864 Killed in action.

John C. Perkins was absent, sick, and discharged from hospital, May 22, 1865. Samuel S. Page was captured and confined, for a time, in Libby prison. Parker A. Emery and James A. Gillespie were wounded and transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, and thence discharged.

Fifteenth Regiment, N.H. Volunteers — Nine Months

  Rank When Mustered Rank When Discharged Cause
David Frank Nudd Co. I, Sergt. Oct. 24, 1862 Sergeant, Aug. 13, 1863 Expiration term of service
Arthur Batchelder Blake Co. I, Priv. Oct. 24, 1862 Private, Aug. 13, 1863 Expiration term of service
*Thomas Dunbrack, Jr. Co. I, Priv. Oct. 24, 1862 Private, Aug. 13, 1863 Expiration term of service
*Jonathan Elkins Co. I, Priv. Oct. 24, 1862 Private, Aug. 13, 1863 Expiration term of service
Jeremiah Leavitt Godfrey Co. I, Priv. Oct. 24, 1862 Private, Aug. 13, 1863 Expiration term of service
Charles Godfrey Co. I, Priv. Oct. 31, 1862 Private, Aug. 13, 1863 Expiration term of service
Benj. Franklin Goodwin Co. I, Priv. Oct. 31, 1862 Private, Aug. 13, 1863 Expiration term of service
George William Leavitt Co. I, Priv. Oct. 24, 1862 Private, Aug. 13, 1863 Expiration term of service
Robert Bruce Laird Co. I, Priv. Oct. 24, 1862 Private, Aug. 13, 1863 Expiration term of service
*John Dow Lamprey Co. I, Priv. Oct. 31, 1862 Private, May 27, 1863 Killed in action.
Charles Gregg Perkins Co. K, Priv. Oct. 16, 1862 Private, Aug. 13, 1863 Expiration term of service

C. G. Perkins also served, during the war, in the First Regiment, Maine Cavalry.

Sixteenth Regiment, N.H. Volunteers — Nine Months

  Rank When Mustered Rank When Discharged Cause
Edwin Johnson Hobbs Co. K, Sergt. Oct. 25, 1862 Sergeant, Aug. 20, 1863 Expiration term of service
*Theodore Fisher Co. K., Priv. Oct. 25, 1862 Private, June 15, 1863 Died of disease
*Charles Moses Perkins Co. K., Priv. Oct. 25, 1862 Private, Aug. 20, 1863 Expiration term of service
Josiah Darwin Perkins Co. K, Priv. Nov. 13, 1862 Private, Aug. 20, 1863 Expiration term of service

Seventeenth Regiment, N.H. Volunteers — Nine Months

  Rank When Mustered Rank When Discharged Cause
James Warren Perkins Sergt.. Maj. Dec. 18, 1862 Sergt. Maj., Apr. 16, 1863 Regt. Not mustered

J. W. Perkins enlisted first, June 24, 1862, for three months, in First Squadron, R. I. Cavalry. The Seventeenth N.H., not being completed, was not mustered, and he finally enlisted in the Sixtieth Mass., Nov. 30, 1864, for 100 days.

Eighteenth Regiment, N.H. Volunteers — One Year

  Rank When Mustered Rank When Discharged Cause
Orlando Lawrence Blake Co. G, Priv. Jan. 6, 1865 Private, July 29, 1865 Close of war.
John Wesley Mace Co. G, Priv. Jan. 7, 1865 Private, July 29, 1865 Close of war.
John Wyman Lewis Co. D, Priv. Sept. 20, 1864 Private, June 10, 1865 Close of war.

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