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Rockingham Lodge, No. 22, I. O. O. F.

[Sketch by Charles P. Akerman, Past Grand.]

Rockingham Lodge, No. 22, was instituted at Hampton Falls, in 1848, on petition of John F. Jones, Edward D. Pike, Charles C. Gove, Elijah Valentine, John W. Dodge and Woodbury Masters — the first four persons being the charter members. The Lodge became dormant after four or five years, and so remained til 1878, when it was reinstituted, April 18th, with John F. Jones, Edward D. Pike, John L. Perkins, James Janvrin, George S. Merrill, Lewis S. Prescott, Albert J. Sanborn as charter members, and Charles P. Akerman, John M. Akerman, John P. Blake, Charles H. Chase, Charles F. Jones, Frank S. Greene, Nathan H. Robie, Charles L. Sanborn, Emmons B. Towle, Charles C. Green, as initiates.

The Lodge increased in numbers, having in its jurisdiction the towns of Hampton Falls, Hampton, North Hampton, part of Rye, Seabrook and Kensington. It having outgrown its quarters, a petition was preferred to the Grand Lodge, for removal to Hampton. After several hearings, this was granted, and in August, 1883, the Lodge-room, leased from the trustees of Hampton Academy, was dedicated for the purposes of Odd Fellowship.

The Lodge has been very successful. Its present membership is one hundred Thirty, it having lost seven by death, and quite a number by withdrawal to other Lodges, and from other causes. It has a fund of over four thousand dollars.

Winnacunnet Rebekah Lodge was instituted October 5, 1885, and is successful in its purposes.

October 5, 1886, Hunto Encampment was instituted, and, in common with the other branches of the order, is meeting its share of success.

These different organizations are not merely benefit societies; but, to visit the sick, bury the dead and educate the orphans are the commands of laws, and the duties the fraternity try to perform.

Winnacunnet Council, Junior Order of United American Mechanics

was instituted in Hampton, May 23, 1888, with fifteen charter members. The weekly meetings were held first, in Dunbar’s hall; then, in the new J. A. Towle building, till, in 1889, Merrill’s block was opened, in which a convenient hall was appropriated to their use. The Council numbers ninety-eight, in 1892.

To protect American principles and American-born citizens; to uphold the Federal Constitution, the free, unsectarian common school and the reading of the Bible therein; and to furnish sick and funeral benefits to members, are fundamental objects of the order.

Curtis DeLancey represented the seven Councils of New Hampshire at the National Council in Cleveland, O., in June, 1891.

Principal officers for the first half of 1892: Walter L. Drake, C.; Samuel S. Hawbolt, V.C.; John A. Moulton, R.S.; Curtis DeLancey, F.S.; Stephen G. Hobbs, T.

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