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Communion Service Purchased

Upon the same day the deacons gave an account of the communion ware, etc., which they had in their hands, belonging to the church. The whole was of but little value, viz.: 3 flagons, 1 tankard, and 1 basin, all of them pewter: — 1 table cloth and 5 napkins. It was therefore proposed that money should be raised by subscription, for purchasing suitable vessels for the communion service of the church. A subscription was accordingly opened, and £32 1s. subscribed by eighty persons, in sums varying from £2 to is.

Deacon Dow was sent to Boston to procure the articles needed. (He bought 8 silver beakers, or cups, which with 4 others like them, purchased in 1744, still belong to the church, and are all in good condition. The cost of the eight cups was £29. The church allowed Deacon Dow 20s. for his journey to Boston, and the remainder of the sum raised was expended for four pewter dishes.

The first case of discipline on record is that of a female member of the church, who was accused of stealing, in 1714. She acknowledged herself guilty, and by a unanimous vote she was suspended from the privileges of the church.

Dea. Samuel Dow died June 20, 1714. On the 19th of July following, John Tuck was chosen to fill the vacancy occasioned by his death.

Dea. Gershom Elkins died January 12, 1718, aged nearly 78 years; and Dea. Philemon Dalton died April 5, 1721, aged 56 years. At a full meeting of the church a few days after the death of the latter — fifty-four of the brethren being present — three deacons were chosen to join with Deacon Tuck in that office. These were John Dearborn (son of Henry), John Dearborn (son of John), and Josiah Moulton.

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