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Hampton Beach Hotel

The first house built for a hotel on Boar’s Head, or in fact on any part of the beach, south of the causeway, was erected by Abraham Marston, Jr., and Amos Towle, 3d, in 1819, and was opened to the public in the year following. It was a hip-roofed building, two stories in height, and was on nearly as the same site as the Hampton Beach Hotel of the present time, being very near to the ocean. In 1822 and 1823 the tavern was kept by Richard Greenleaf, Esq. In 1827 Thomas Leavitt, Esq., came into possession of the premises by purchase, and afterwards enlarged the house at the front, carrying this addition one story higher then the original structure. On the 21st of July 1854, the hotel took fire and was totally consumed, together with a considerable part of the contents, and was not rebuilt before the death of Mr. Leavitt. Years later, Thomas and Joseph L. Leavitt, sons of the former landlord, erected a new and more commodious hotel in its place, which was opened to the public in 1872, and has ever since been a popular house.

Boar’s Head.–The Rockingham

About the year 1824 or 1825, a company was formed, consisting of David Nudd and others, for building a hotel on the summit of Boar’s Head, where the ground is about sixty feet above the level of the ocean at its base. On the 23d of July, 1826, the frame was raised. Elder Ebenezer Leavitt, the contractor, finished his work in the following year, and the hotel was opened soon after. Mr. Nudd stood ready to purchase the shares of any of the company, who were willing to sell, and at length became sole proprietor. To meet the numerous applications for board, it was found necessary to increase the number of rooms and to make other improvements. Accordingly, about the year 1841 a large addition to the hotel, and other alterations were made. Mr. Nudd never took charge as the landlord, but he continued to own the premises till the close of his life. He built also another large hotel, the GRANITE HOUSE (recently renamed THE ROCKINGHAM), at the foot of the promontory. Both houses were afterwards sold to Mr. Nudd’s heirs, to Col. Stebbins H. Dumas, the present proprietor, who has still further enlarged and improved, to meet the wants of his numerous patrons.
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