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Capt. John Johnson’s Vessels

Schooner, Clarissa, owned jointly with his brother Elisha, bought for trafficking between Hampton and Boston, was run for several years, in place of the whale-boats used earlier. This was the only one of Mr. Johnson’s vessels that he did not build.

Schooner, William Tell, built at Hampton Falls, for the coasting trade, took from Philadelphia the first cargo of coal ever brought into the Boston market. On her first trip, lightning struck both masts, which had to be replaced; but notwithstanding the bad omen, she had a prosperous career. She made fifty-two trips one year from Hampton to Boston and return, one each week. But she went down at last, and her “bones” lie to-day on the bottom of Hampton river.

Schooner, Young Tell, built in Mr. Johnson’s yard, hauled down to the mill, and launched.

Schooner, Virginian, built at “The Old Dock.”

Schooner, Union, built at “The Old Dock.”

Brig, Mary Jones, built at the Turnpike, as were the four later vessels. Captain Johnson made a fruiting voyage in her to Malago, with Samuel Fisk for first mate; went to Texas, also, for ship timber.

Schooner, Harriet Neal, of a little over a hundred thirty tons’ burthen, made two fruiting voyages to the Mediterranean, and one trip or more to the West Indies. In 1849 she carried a hundred passengers to Chagres, on the Isthmus of Panama, en route for the California gold mines. Mr. John Perkins, one of the sailors took the gold fever, left the vessel at Chagres, with no money but one Spanish ninepence in his pocket and worked his way to the moines, to the surprise, and, as it proved, the financial betterment of his family.

Center-board schooner, Mail, a coaster, carrying the United States mail.

Schooner Virginia.

Schooner Belle, last built.

Mr. David Nudd’s Schooners

The first two were built in his yard, and hauled to the Landing; the rest were built at the Landing, except the Franklin, which was built at Salisbury, Mass.

Industry, Rapid, Tremont, went to the bottom at Newport, R. I.; Victory, followed successively by two others of the same name; Two Sisters, Enterprise, Atlas, Constitution, Good Intent, Franklin.

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