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Little Boar’s Head to Rye

“Att a meeting of the selectmen of Hampton, 15th November 1693 thay then agreed to lay out a cart hyghway from the beach att the farther End of Littell Bors Head pond Round the swamp downe to the End of ffrancis Jinnisis pond fower Rod wide and a highway from that into the woods sixe Rod wide. Voted.”

Hampton Falls to Exeter

September 23, 1700: “This meeting being warned to Consider of the best and Easiest way ffor the making of the new way ffrom Hampton ffals to Exeter The Towne haue noted that the Saueyers shall fforthwith take care to make the Bridge ouer Taylers Riuer A good Cart Bridg and to Repaire all the other way that belong to the Towne to doe; But ffrom the Bridg to the High land Ensigne Tilton doe Ingage to make it good and Maintaine it ffor the which the sayd Daniell Tilton and his sons are to be ffreed ffrom all other Highway work in the Towne so long as he or they shall maintaine the same The Towne also doe agree with Him the sayd Tilton that he shall haue ten able men one day Appointed by the Saueyers to help him now att first to make it good.”

Shaw’s Hill to Little River

At a meeting of the proprietors of the First Division, May 7, 1734, it was voted: “That there be a highway four rods wide from the mouth of the lane by Benjamin Lamprey’s [Nook Lane] to Little River Bridge where the saw mill stood as the cart way now goes, forever, and the middle of sd cart way, as itt is now cleared of stones shall be the center of sd four rod way.”

In 1739 it was voted in town meeting, that the selectmen keep all roads at their usual width, and prosecute all that “shall intrude on them.”

“Intrusion” by moving out fences seems sometimes to have occasioned serious trouble. The road most injured was the one “that leads from the place called Windmill-hill [See next chapter — Johnson’s Windmill.] to Freese’s landing, so called.” It was proposed to “choose a committee to judge upon” this road. This was in December, 1765.

The town refused to appoint a committee to consider the matter at that time, but a few months afterward depositions were taken, to show the fact and the extent of the encroachments. It appeared that within the remembrance of some elderly persons who gave their testimony, the landing road had been very wide and its side boundaries well understood; that these had remained unchanged for many years, but for a considerable time before this investigation a change had been going on; and now the fences of some of the owners of adjoining lands had been built many feet outside of the original lines. Probably the bounds were set back, but no record remains.

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