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“You, J. R., being chosen Head Marshal for the Province of New Hampshire, do swear by the ever living God that you shall perform, do and execute all such lawful commands as shall be directed to you from lawful authority constituted by his Majesty in this Province, without favor, fear, or partiality, according to your best ability and the laws here established; so help you God.”

“John Roberts and Henry Dow took the oath for Marshals of this Province.”

“The council finding a necessity of prisons, and keepers for them, for the securing of offenders and other persons for debt, do order that the prisons already at Hampton, Dover, and Portsmouth, shall be for the same use still; and Jno. Souter of Hampton, and Jno. Tuttle of Dover, and Richard Abbot of Portsmouth, be and are empowered prison-keepers to the several prisons in the respective towns where they dwell; and to receive all such prisoners as shall be committed to them by authority, and this to continue during the pleasure of the Council.”

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