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April 16, 1696, Nathaniel Weare, Esq., was appointed Naval Officer at Hampton, “to enter and clear all vessells for what goods imported or exported, and to receive all duties & imports, as by Law; and to give an account of the same to the Treasurer of this province for the time being, and to receive to himself the accustomed fees for his salary.”


By an act of the Legislature, of 1697, provision was made for establishing a Latin Schoolin the province, to be free to all “Misters, Readers, and Latinists,” and to the support of which, all the towns were required to contribute. The school was to be located in Portsmouth, and the master to be appointed by His Excellency, the Governor, the council and the settled minister of the town. The selectmen of Portsmouth were authorized to determine the amount of tuition to be paid by each scholar sent there to learn Latin. In addition to this, the towns were to pay severally, as follows: Portsmouth £28; Hampton £8, Dover and Exeter, £6 each; and New Castle, £2, which sums were to be assessed by the selectmen of the several towns –the act to remain in force two years.

Such as the scheme, and the school was established. Whether any of the people of Hampton availed themselves of the opportunities thus afforded for educating their children, we do not know. Mr. Daniel Rindge was under appointment as master, at the time of his death in Hampton, in 1713.

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