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In 1732, certain men in the west part of Hampton Falls and the east part of Kingston petitioned the General Assembly to be set off as a “town or parrish,” assigning the usual reason, their great distance from church. They said: “There has been almost a famine of ye word and worship of God amongst us thear being near four hundred souls whereof not one above ye sixth or seventh part can attend said worship.”

Naturally, the two towns objected. Hampton Falls chose Lieut. Ichabod Robie and Capt. Nathaniel Healey to present their protect; while Kingston voted: “That we wont not seet of the Est part of ouer town for a district or parish to Joyne with ye West part of hampton and that there was not one voter appared for yesating them of att said meeting the Rason is Becase we are sensaball it will Rueine our town;” and chose Capt. Jonathan Sanborn and Mr. Ebenezer Stevens to remonstrate for that town. Fifty-eight men, within the proposed new parish itself, also entered a remonstrance. The petition was therefore dismissed; and Kingston was not divided til 1738.

The west part of Hampton Falls, however, became the town of Kensington, by an act passed, August 19, 1737. Soon after, the bounds were established, and the “third parish of Hampton” was in the exercise of all town privileges, except that of sending a representative to the General Assembly. In 1740, this also was granted, on petition of the inhabitants.


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