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The Exeter News-Letter, May 8, 1885

Great Fire At Hampton Beach

About one o’clock Thursday Morning fire was discovered on the north side of the Atlantic House, at Hampton Beach, which was unoccupied, and communicated to the Brown cottage, thence to the Dodge cottage on the north side. On the south side it took the dwelling house, billiard room, and two other buildings belonging to John C. Cutler, thence to Charles Perkins’ dwelling house and the large and well-known Ocean House, owned and kept by Yeaton & Josyln. Besides the dwellings and cottages, all the stables connected, except the Ocean House stable, were consumed. The fire came so suddenly upon those who occupied the buildings that a very small part of the contents were saved. It seems to be the general opinion that the fire was the work of an incendiary. Loss between $60,000 and $75,000. The amount of the insurance on the buildings and contents cannot be ascertained at this time.

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The Ocean House
[Photo not in original newspaper article]
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