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One of the Largest Hotels at Hampton Beach Totally Destroyed

The Hamptons Union, Thursday, November 4, 1909

Hotel Radcliffe
(Postmark is August 13, 1909)
[Postcard photo was not in the original newspaper article]

For the first time in many months the town of Hampton was visited by a destructive fire last Friday forenoon, which completely wiped out Hotel Radcliffe at Hampton Beach, owned by Duncan C. Rood of Roxbury, Mass.

The Radcliffe was a large four-story frame building facing on Ocean avenue, just this side of the casino, and is closely surrounded on all sides by wooden buildings. The hotel has been closed since Labor day, the proprietor, F. C. Carr of Haverhill and wife, remaining at the house to get things in readiness for next summer.

The fire was discovered in the rear of the fourth story just after ten o’clock by Mrs. Carr who saw smoke issuing from the windows. The fire had evidently been burning for some time and the entire fourth floor was black with smoke.

The alarm was immediately given and in a comparatively short time the Beach Precinct Fire Department had lines of hose laid and were fighting the flames, which, although confined wholly to the interior, were making rapid progress, aided by the fierce west wind.

The firemen working under the direction of Chief Ring did excellent work with the three lines of hose to which they were limited, holding the fire in check for hours, and preventing the spread of flames to any other property, although the Coombs cottage stood within four feet of the burning hotel.

Too much can not be said in favor of the value of the fire department and water service to Hampton Beach. This fire alone proves beyond a doubt that under ordinary circumstances any fire that the beach may have can be confined to its origin and extinguished.

Many people in Hampton village went to the scene of the fire, aroused by the ringing of the bell, and watched the progress of the flames and the work of the firemen until one o’clock, when the fire was practically out.

At one time the wind became so violent that is seemed as if water would be powerless to check the spread of the fire and telephone messages for help were sent to Portsmouth and Exeter, both of which places sent aid; but it was not needed.

Some of the furniture was saved, but the loss to Mr. Carr, who was the lessee of the hotel, was heavy, as there was little insurance on the contents. The hotel, valued at $10,000 was partially insured.

Last season was a good one for Mr. Carr, and it was understood that he was desirous of purchasing the Radcliffe of its owner, and its destruction comes as a specially heavy blow to him.

Also read about the first fire to strike the Radcliffe, in 1901.

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