Major Nathaniel C. Warburton Visits Sgt John M. Holman

Gablingen Kaserne, Germany — 1952-53

Major Nathaniel C. Warburton, former minister of the United Methodist Church of Hampton, now assigned to the 28th Infantry Division as Division Chaplain in Germany, recently made a trip to Gablingen Kaserne, outside of Gershoven, home of the 109th Infantry Regiment, and visited with Sgt. John M. Holman, in the Personnel Office, there. They reminiscence of many happenings and people they both know in Hampton during the past years.

Major Warburton and Sgt. Holman see each other quite often on Field Maneuvers, as Major Warburton tours the Regiments to talk with the various Regimental Chaplains in the field during the exercises.

In 1953, Major Warburton has been reassigned as the assistant chaplain of the Bremerhaven Port of Embarkation, Germany.

A native of Lynn, Massachusetts, Chaplain Warburton received his Bachelor of Science degree from Boston University’s School of Religious Education and Social Science, and his Bachelor of Theology degree at the Boston University School of Theology. He was commissioned in 1942 after attending in Chaplains’ School at Harvard University.