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Compiled by Josefine “Finni” (nee Holtzhuer) Steiner

Courtesy of ‘Finni’, Artur & ‘Sissi’ Steiner & Andy Kubis

Germany — May 2005

The house Winterstrasse 9, built in 1970, front view.

Back side of house.

Finni entering her garden, back of the house.

Finni taking a well deserved break.

More of the back yard garden.

Another view of the back yard garden.

In the garden.

Winterstrasse South.

Winterstrasse North.

Andy’s car.

Sissi’s car.

Artur Steiner

Finni’s portrait

Finni in the kitchen.

Finni’s sister Antonie (“Toni”)

Finni & Antonie’s mom.

The Lohner family.

Klaus and Jutta Lohner.

Isabella Lohner.

Rafael Lohner

Emanuel Lohner

Rafael, Andy, Sissi & Emanuel.

The dining room.

Another view of the dining room.

The kitchen.

Looking from the dining room into the kitchen
with Mama. Finni is in the kitchen behind Mama.

Kitti the cat.

Sissi in her office. (Note mural on right wall.)

In the stable at Biburg.

Sissi with “Salog”, her horse.

In the mountains — Partnachklamm,
(Klaus, Isabella, Emanuel, Andy)

In the Dolomites

Andy at the top of Watzmann

Mondspitze with Andy and his father

Suse, Andy’s Mum

Skiing in Austria

Artur and Finni

Skiing with a lot of snow
(Artur, Sissi, Rafael, Finni)

Andy and Sissi

Artur and Sissi

Skiing in Austria
(Emanuel, Sissi, Jutta, Isabella)

[See also, Looking Back to 1951
and, Visit Across The Miles ‘A Dream Come True’ — Part One
and, From ‘Guten Tag’ to ‘Auf Wiedersehen’ — Part Two
and, Danke Schön — Thank you!
and, Looking back to 1951 from 2005.]

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