By John M. Holman
Contributing Writer

Duplex #20 Trolley at Exeter Depot

Duplex #20 car at Exeter Depot, Exeter, N.H

No. 20, the Duplex single truck early-type convertible car is shown at the Exeter Railroad Depot in 1899, shortly after being received from the factory of the BRIGGS CARRIAGE COMPANY of Amesbury, Massachusetts. For power, it used two GE-57 motors and was the only car of this type owned by the Exeter, Hampton & Amesbury Street Railway.

Quoting from O. R. Cummings trolley history book, “TROLLEYS TO THE CASINO — Exeter, Hampton & Amesbury Street Railway”, published in 1969, Mr. Cummings described #20 thusly: “The Duplex, constructed by Briggs under license from the Duplex Car Company of New York City, measured 32 feet in overall length and was fully vestibuled. There were nine sliding panels, each with a curved glass window, on each side and these panels could be raised into pockets in the monitor roof whenever it was desired to convert the car from closed to open. There were two steps and a single running board on each side and inside there were 16 reversible transverse seats (eight on either side of the center aisle) upholstered in rattan and accommodating 32 passengers. Intended primarily for use in charter car service, the Duplex would be decorated with colored lights and frequently was festooned with flags and bunting when carrying special parties.”

A section of the Exeter, Hampton & Amesbury Street Railway trolley rail, along with other artifacts from the Trolley Era of Hampton, from 1897 to 1926, can be seen at the Tuck Memorial Museum at 40 Park Avenue, Hampton, during the summer season. Watch local papers for days and times.