An Old Hampton Road, Revisited

By John M. Holman, Contributing Writer

Jonty's Lane
‘Jonty’s Lane’
Named for Captain Jonathan Godfrey

There is an old road in Hampton, that not too many people know about. Actually it is not a road, but a “Lane” which is still carried on the town maps as “JONTY’S LANE”, named for a Captain Jonathan Godfrey, born a twin on December 17, 1813, and married Theodate Hobbs, daughter of Washington Hobbs in 1835 and reared 15 children.

According to Joseph Dow’s History of Hampton in the “Genealogical and Biographical” section of his History book, on page 729, under IX. Jonathan Godfrey (Captain Jonathan Godfrey’s grandfather), it states, “Jonathan Godfrey, son of Jonathan (6), married Oct. 3, 1749, at Rye, Elizabeth, daughter of Benjamin Lamprey (3); lived on a lane leading easterly from the ‘back road’ [now Mill Road] in Hampton.”

That lane that Dow was referring to, was formerly Jonty’s Lane from Mill Road east to a road junction, thence south to Barbour Road (formerly Black Swamp Road). At the present time, the first portion of Jonty’s Lane up to the road junction, a little past the Godfreys’ homestead site was renamed “White’s Lane” in memory of Pvt. Robert K. White who lost his life at the end of World War II in France in a train accident. From the road junction south to Barbour Road, the road continued to be called Jonty’s Lane.

Through the efforts of John Hangen, Frank Swift, John O’Brien and Bob Ross, a new road sign has been installed on Barbour Road, at the entrance to Jonty’s Lane, designating it as an official Hampton road. Unfortunately, it is closed to all traffic due to its location in the forest. A debt of gratitude is extended to General Highway Foreman Frank Swift, John O’Brien and Bob Ross, for their contribution in continuing the history of Hampton into the next century.