Hampton United Methodist Church

Compiled by John M. Holman, Hampton History Volunteer

Did you know? ….. The dove atop the steeple, a symbol of the Church, was carved by a former pastor, Rev. J. J. Spalding, and installed at the time the church was moved to its present site in 1881.

Did you know? ….. The present church building, built in 1848, at a cost of about $l,2OO., was situated at the corner of Ann’s Lane and Lafayette Road, until the Fall of 1881, when it was moved to its present site by ox teams. It was then thoroughly remodeled and repaired at a cost of $3,100.

Did you know? ….. Over the years, the local Methodist Church (M-E for short) was known as the Methodist-Episcopal Church until 1968, when it merged with the Evangelical United Brethren to form the Hampton United Methodist Church.

Did you know? ….. In January,1958, a building committee was appointed and all banded together in building an educational unit at a cost of $60,000., commonly called, “the new addition”, which included the “Fellowship Hall”, “Fireside Room”, class rooms, pastor’s study, church office and kitchen.

Did you know? ….. The “Hampton United Methodist Church” had its start in Hampton in the year 1838, just 100 years after the Methodist Church was founded by John Wesley.

Did you know? ….. Rev. James M. Fuller, came to Hampton, and preached the first Methodist sermon in the North School House on a Saturday evening, in December 1835.

Did you know? ….. That the red hymnals used by the Choir were used in 1968-69 by the HYMNAL SINGERS, a junior choir of this church, organized by John & Connie Holman and Loring & Judy Mills. The hymnals were presented to the Hymnal Singers by the Rev. Edward Milley on March 9, 1969. Money to purchase the hymnals was raised by the choir members through their bake sales. Does anyone know the whereabouts of the blue Choir robes and stoles used by the “Singers”? We would like one to be included in the Memorial Display case. Call the Church office if you can locate one.