259 Mill Road, Hampton, N.H.

Written by daughter, Ethel (Degen) Blaney

(Photographs by the builder)

The house at 259 Mill Road, Hampton, was constructed over a period of time (1932-1933) by Albert Degen. He worked from a picture of the floor plan and an illustration of a completed house [See images at end of article.]

A man of many talents, Al Degen dug the cellar hole, did all of the mason work — cellar walls, field stone fireplace, brick chimney for the kitchen range, and the fieldstone fireplace chimney. He alone did all of the carpenter work complete with framing, boarding in, roofing and finish work. Also, he did the plumbing and painting himself. He hired Marvin Perkins to plaster the ceilings and bathroom plus an electrician for the electrical work; otherwise, it was a completely do-it-yourself project.

Originally the building was a bungalow style which later was changed to make it more roomy. Degen sold the property to a Mr. Barash in the fall of 1933.

Albert Degen was born in Loyal, Wisconsin, July 16, 1888 and came to New Hampshire in 1923. Accompanied by his wife and two daughters, he drove a 1923 model “T” Ford open touring car during the trip across country. He had lived at 189 Mill Road, North Hampton, from 1934 until the time of his death Febrtuary 10, 1967,

Information submitted by his daughter who (at the age of 12-13) watched as the stones were put into place and the nails were driven.
Ethel Degen Blaney

Illustration of the floor plan.

Illustration of a completed house.