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The Hamptons Union, Thursday, October 31, 1918

Hampton News

Hampton’s Honor Roll

Following the name is the date of enlistment
and the place stationed at last report:

Batchelder, George Harold, Aug. 2, 1918, Bumpkin Island, Mass.
Blake, Harold Russell, Dec. 10, 1917, Newport, Rhode Island
Blake, Myron, Oct. 23, 1918, Bumpkin Island
Brown, Albert Addison, Oct. 23, 1917, West Hingham, Mass.
Brown, Percy Badger, June 27, 1917, France
Buker, Kenneth C., Sept 3, 1918, Camp Lee, Virginia
Church, Kingsley Dearborn, May 1918, Port Slocum, N.Y.
DeLancey, Clyde P., Dec. 13, 1917, France
Dunbrack, Ernest Howard, May 26, 1918, Camp Devens, Mass.
Fogg, Stanley Clarence, May 18, 1917, France
Garland, Oscar L., Oct. 1918, Fort Constitution
Garland, Otis Raymond, Sept. 19, 1918, Hon. Disc, Oct. 28. 1918
Garland, Victor J., Dec. 14, 1917, Camp Dix, N. J.
Hobbs, Edwin Howard, July 6, 1917, France
Holman, Marshall S., 26th Inf. Div. 1917, France
Holmes, Leston, Oct. 23, 1918, Bumpkin Island
Johnson, Raymond A., Mar. 26, 1918, Paris Island
Keene, Harold M., Oct. 23, 1918, Bumpkin Island
Lamprey, James Munroe, May 31, 1918, France
Lamprey, William Hale, May 31, 1918, France
Lamprey, Theodore S., Apr. 26, 1918, France
Lindsey, Rupert W., June 7, 1917, Italy
Marston, Eugene E., May 24, 1918, Camp Devens, Mass.
Marston, Kenneth Hawks, July 1, 1918, Portland, Me.
Norton, Myron Jewell, July 1, 1918, Portland, Me.
Noyes, Harold Emerson, Sept. 19, 1918, Durham, N.H.
Racine, Wallace Paul, Feb. 26, 1917
Roberts, Andrew J., May 30, 1917, Hon. Disc. Aug. 4, 1917
Smart, Harry Llewellyn, July 5, 1918, Durham, N.H.
Stenger, Charles Hovey, Oct. 6, 1917, France
Stickney, William Elmer, Sept. 4, 1918, Camp Devens, MA
Young, Marvin F., Sept. 5, 1918, Camp Upton, L. I.

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