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In Honor of Enlisted Men

Kiwanis Club Will Present Flag in Honor
Of Those Who Have Joined Armed Forces

Hampton Union, Thursday, February 11, 1943

[The following article is courtesy of the Hampton Union]

The capacity of the auditorium of the Hampton High School and Academy will be taxed to the limit on next Sunday afternoon, February 14, (1943) when the Kiwanis Club of the Hamptons will dedicate a service flag in honor of the men and women of Hampton, North Hampton and Hampton Falls who now serve in the armed forces of the United States. The exercises will begin promptly at three o’clock when President Ralph Harris of the Club will present Executive Councilor John W. Perkins as chairman of the meeting.

The principal address will be delivered by the Rev. Thomas LeRoy Crosby, pastor of the First Congregational Church of Manchester, a brilliant clergyman-orator who came to the Queen City from a pastorate in the middle-west. The flag will be dedicated in the Kiwanis spirit of service by John W. Hopley of Portsmouth, former Lieutenant-governor of the seventh division of the N. E. District, Kiwanis International. The roll-of-honor will be read by three clergymen; Rev. Harold Wilson of Hampton who will read the names of the Hampton men and women in the service; Rev. Joseph Burnett of North Hampton, who will read the list of North Hampton sailors and soldiers and the Rev. Harry Smith of Hampton Falls who will present the names of the service men and women of his community. Mr. Smith will give a brief eulogy for the first and only resident of the Hamptons killed in action, Lincoln H. Akerman during which the one gold star on the service flag will be spotlighted and following which, taps will be sounded by a bugler.

The chaplain of the Portsmouth Navy Yard, Fr. Carl Herold will give the invocation. The benediction will be given by Rev. Lloyd Perrigo of Hampton who will also lead the singing. Rev. Floyd G. Kinsley, pastor of the First Congregational Church of Hampton, will deliver the dedication prayer.

The musical part of the program has not been slighted. The Rev. Jack Boozer and Mrs. Boozer will sing a duet and there will be soprano solos by Mrs. Mildred Burnett of North Hampton and Miss Mary Janvrin of Hampton Falls. William “Bill” Elliot, Hampton’s well known baritone will also sing. There will be selections by the Hampton Academy Orchestra and the pianist for the occasion is Mrs. Annie Elliot of Hampton.

Kiwanians who will act as ushers include: Paul A. Dorn, David Hamilton, Alfred Janvrin, Dean B. Merrill, H. Earl Osborne, Donald Rand, Frank Robinson and John B. Scruton. The committee on decorations and lighting is made up of George Lamont, John A. Janvrin, Elliot Stevens and J. Fred Hayward. The general committee in charge of the event is: Roy W. Gillmore, Ralph W. Labbe, Armas Guyon and James W. Tucker.

A special invitation is extended to the relatives and friends of the men and women of the three towns who are in the service and the town officials of the Hamptons together with county officers have been invited to occupy seats on the stage. The Boy Scouts and members of the Hamptons’ Post 35 American Auxiliary have been asked to attend in uniform.

Inasmuch as the dedicatory exercises are, for the most part, religious in character, it is expected that there will be no objection to the use of automobiles for transportation when public means of transportation are not available. It is understood that arrangements are now being made in the several communities to pool private car resources so that no one may be left at home for lack of a means of getting to the Hampton Academy auditorium at three o’clock on Sunday afternoon.

— Program —

Dedication Of The Service Flag

Presented by the Kiwanis Club of the Hamptons

In Honor Of

The Men and Women of Hampton, North Hampton and
Hampton Falls Who Serve or May Serve in the
Armed Forces of the United States and

As A Memorial To

Lincoln H. Akerman, Who Died in Action on Nov. 20, 1942

The High School Auditorium
Hampton, N. H.
Sunday, February 14, 1943, 3:00 P.M.

MUSIC — The Hampton Academy Band, under the Direction of Mrs. Esther B. Coombs, Supervisor of Music.
OPENING — Ralph Harris, President, The Kiwanis Club of the Hamptons.
HYMN — “America“. The Audience will please rise and join in singing the first verse under the leadership of Rev. Lloyd Perrigo, Pastor of the Hampton Baptist Church and will remain standing during the —
INVOCATION — The Rev. Fr. Carl Harold, Chaplain, Portsmouth Navy Yard.
REMARKS — Honorable John W. Perkins, Member of the New Hampshire Executive Council.
HYMN — “Faith of Our Fathers” — Faber.

  • Hampton — Rev. Harold J. Wilson, Pastor, The Advent Christian Church of Hampton.
    • North Hampton — Rev. Joseph D. Burnett, Pastor, The Congregational Church of North Hampton.
      • Hampton Falls — Rev. Harry L. Smith, Pastor, The Baptist Church of Hampton Falls.
        DUET — Rev. Jack Boozer, Pastor of The Methodist Church of Hampton and Mrs. Boozer.
        DEDICATION OF THE SERVICE FLAG — John W. Hopley, Portsmouth, Past Lieutenant Governor, Division Seven, New England District, Kiwanis International.
        THE DEDICATION PRAYER — Rev. Floyd G. Kinsley, Pastor of the Congregational Church of Hampton.
        HYMN — “The Battle Hymn of the Republic” — Julia Ward Howe.
        SOLO — Mrs. Mildred Burnett, Soprano, North Hampton.
        ADDRESS — Rev. Thomas Leroy Crosby, Pastor, The First Congregational Church of Manchester, NH.
        SOLO — William I. Elliot, Baritone, Hampton.
        HYMN — “The Star Spangled Banner” — Francis Scott Keyes.
        BENEDICTION — Rev. Lloyd Perrigo.

Flag Service Sunday Attended By
Hundreds From The Hamptons

Letters From National And State Officials
Show Keen Interest In Armed Forces And
Pay Tribute To Dedication Ceremony Here

Hampton Union, Thursday, February 18, 1943

[The following article is courtesy of the Hampton Union]

The dedication of the service flag of the Kiwanis Club of the Hamptons at the Auditorium of the Hampton Academy and High School on Sunday afternoon proved a heartening tribute to the 198 men and women of Hampton, North Hampton and Hampton Falls, now ins the armed forces, and to the memory of Lincoln H. Akerman, killed in action in the South Pacific area last November. Over 500 representative residents of the three historic towns were emotionally stirred by the splendid program.

(Hampton) Academy Band Participates

To the strains of a stirring march played by the (Hampton) Academy Band under the direction of Mrs. Esther B. Coombs, the participants in the program and the invited guests were ushered to their places on the platform by Dean B. Merrill, head usher, after which President Ralph Harris opened the exercises in the usual manner of all Kiwanis meetings.

The audience stood to sing the first verse of America and heard an impressive invocation by the Rev. Fr. Carl Harold, chaplain of the Portsmouth Navy Yard. Then Mr. Harris introduced Hon. John W. Perkins as chairman. In presenting Mr. John W. Hopley for the dedication, Judge Perkins commented on Mr. Hopley’s splendid record as a national leader of the Boy Scouts of America and as a Kiwanian.

Hopley Dedicates The Flag

Mr. Hopley’s introductory remarks were a call for dedication on the part of every citizen to the war effort and then Mr. Hopley invited the audience to rise for the solemn act of dedication. As he and the audience faced the platform, the service flag, bathed in a flood-light, was lowered at the back of the stage in a brief, beautifully worded tribute to the men and women whom the flag represents, he dedicated the banner which soon will be hung over the Lafayette Road in front of the Odd Fellows Building in Hampton center.

Dedication Prayer Impressive

The dedication prayer of Rev. Floyd Kinsley, pastor of the Congregational Church was especially well thought out and deeply impressive as it had been arranged so that the audience participated.

Then Chairman Perkins presented the three pastors who read the Roll of Honor: Rev. Harold J. Wilson, pastor of the Advent Christian Church of Hampton; Rev. Joseph D. Burnett, pastor of the Congregational Church of North Hampton, and Rev. Harry L. Smith, pastor of the Baptist Church of Hampton Falls. The chairman announced that Mr. Smith had been commissioned a Chaplain in the Army of the United States with rank of Lieutenant.

The simple act of reading these lists of names was accomplished with so much of dignity and solemnity by the three clergymen that this portion of the program will long remain in the minds of those who were privilege to be present.

Taps For Lincoln H. Akerman

As Mr. Smith concluded his list, he paid a simple and moving tribute to the memory of Lincoln H. Akerman, the young man who laid down his life on the altar of freedom in the far-away islands of the South Pacific last November, following which Bernard Marks, Trumpeter, of Hampton, played ‘Taps.’ Tears ran unheeded down the faces of many of the more than 500 present as the beautiful, haunting strains of the trumpet rang through the hall in a tribute of farewell to a brave boy whose sacrifice is not unheeded by the folks at home.

Masterful Orator-Pastor

The principal address was given in a masterful manner by the Rev. Thomas LeRoy Crosby, the orator-pastor of the First Congregational Church of Manchester. Taking as his topic “What’s It All About?”, Mr. Crosby reviewed at the outset some of the conditions of want and misery which he had found in Europe at about the time Hitler invaded Austria and other similar conditions in the world at large which caused tendencies toward wars.

He felt that in building the necessary new world of tomorrow, economic conditions, racial problems and questions involving intense national sovereignties will have to be faced fairly and solved adequately solved if we are not to repeat the experience of 25 years ago when our boys fought and died “for a lot of beautiful phrases.”

Appeal For A New World

he said that there were “compelling and inexorable reasons” for us to endeavor to build a new world and pointed to many of the obstacles which will have to be surmounted in so doing. He mentioned as one such obstacle the sentiment expressed in a remark made recently in his home town of Manchester when a visitor of national prominence asked publicly: “Now, do you really think that we can live by the pious utopianism of the Atlantic Charter?”

Mr. Crosby called for the development of public conscience in favor of such a new world and said that a good way to begin was by the restoration of a sense of divine vocation to human lives.” “Without us, God will not, without God, we cannot,” quoted Mr. Crosby in his eloquent plea for bringing spiritual values along with material considerations in our attempt to lay the foundation of a post-war world of lasting freedom, peace and justice.

Enjoyable Music Program

The musical portion of the program proved as outstanding as the speaking. The audience joined heartily in the singing of appropriate hymns. The beautifully blended voices of the Rev. Jack Boozer and Mrs. Boozer were heard in a musical arrangement of the 23rd Psalm. Miss Mary Janvrin’s rendition of “Song of Peace” was greatly enjoyed, and never was the beautiful soprano voice of Mrs. Mildred Burnett heard to better advantage than in her rendition of “The Lord’s Prayer.” “Bill” Elliot, Hampton’s popular baritone, was in splendid voice as he sang Kipling’s “Recessional,” a fitting climax to one of the best addresses ever heard on any occasion in Hampton. Mrs. Annie Elliot was the competent accompanist for several of the soloists and for the singing by the audience.

Rev. Lloyd Perrigo, pastor of the Hampton Baptist Church, who led the singing during the program in his own inimitable manner, pronounced the benediction.

Judge Perkins Gracious Chairman

Councilor (John W.) Perkins added much to the program by reason of the gracious and intelligent manner in which he presided and it must be noted that the audience received with great enthusiasm the messages from New Hampshire statesmen which the Judge read during the course of the program.

From Governor Blood

Governor (Robert O.) Blood wrote in part:
“I am impressed with the fact that this dedication marks more than the enlistment of Hampton citizens in another war; for this is more than any previous war. It is a crusade to carry eastward and westward to the four corners of the earth the idea that liberty and democracy which was established on this soil by your forefathers and mine. It is a total war against the enemies of liberty everywhere, and the service flag which you dedicate today is symbol and proof of your pledge and part in the establishment of a world order marked by those privileges and rights which were instituted by our forefathers.”

Bridges’ Fine Tribute

From Senior Senator Styles Bridges came a stirring communication that read in part as follows:
“A few weeks ago it was my privilege to talk with a young lady who served on Bataan and Corregidor with one of your number, Miss Rita Palmer. The heroism with which Miss Palmer nursed the wounded of that small but gallant band of Americans and Filipinos who stood so bravely against overwhelming odds was described in glowing terms. Her unforgettable service is an inspiration to me as I know it must be for all of you.

“The men and women who have gone forth to battle from the Hamptons, like those from all New Hampshire and the country, feel in their hearts the cause for which they have taken their stand. That is why with their comrades of the United Nations they will prevail in this struggle against the forces of darkness.”

Tobey Shows Interest

Senator Charles W. Tobey showed his interest in the occasion by writing:
“Please convey to the gathering my sincere interest and tell them that I am one with them in paying tribute to the one who has gone on ahead, and my sympathy to his loved ones. We are in a war which, in the last analysis, is truly a war for our survival. No sacrifice will be too great to insure victory. In this trying epoch, I have adopted a philosophy which I commend to each of us. It is:
“Live by the day
Hope and pray for the best
And spend and be spent increasingly
Until Victory is achieved.”

From Congressman Sterns

A portion of the message from Congressman Foster Stearns was as follows:
“These sons of old Hampton are today exercising the first and most fundamental right and duty of the good citizen — the defense of all that we hold dear against aggression. One of them already has given his life in that cause, and lit a golden star that will shine down the years as long as the history of your towns is told to rising generations. I know that you who remain at home will accept the hardships and inequities of a war in the same high spirit of devotion that they have shown, and that united in will though parted in the flesh, you and they will go forward high-heartedly to victory.”

Word Tribute From Congressman Merrow

New Hampshire’s Representative in Congress, Chester E. Merrow of the First District wrote:
“On an occasion like this, there arises within our hearts a new love for our country. We must be rededicated to the principles which have made the Republic great.

“We face the future with undying confidence in our way of life and with an abiding faith which will bring victory both in war and in peace. We dedicate today a service flag in honor of those who are bearing the strain of battle and in honor of one who has given his life for his country. Let us dedicate ourselves to the preservation of the ideals for which our men ar fighting and dying. This is the manner in which we can best honor those who are defending the United States. It is the best manner in which we can honor those who have paid the supreme sacrifice.”

Dedicate Service Flag of 200 Stars at Hampton, N.H.

[Unknown newspaper name]

HAMPTON, N.H., Feb. 14 (1943) — Dedication of a service flag with nearly 200 stars, including one gold star, for the men and women in the armed services from Hampton, North Hampton and Hampton Falls, took place this afternoon in the Hampton Kiwanis club.

President Ralph Harris opened the meeting and introduced Executive Councilor John W. Perkins who presided. Rev. Thomas L. Crosby, pastor of the First Congregational Church, Manchester, gave the principal address. The flag was dedicated by John W. Hopley of Portsmouth, former Lieutenant Governor of the seventh division of the New England Kiwanis district. The one gold star is for Pvt. Lincoln H. Akerman of Hampton Falls, who was killed in action in November in the South Pacific.

Rev. Harold J. Wilson of the Hampton Advent Church read the names of Hampton citizens in the service, while Rev. Joseph Burnett of the North Hampton Congregational Church and Rev. Harry Smith of the Hampton Falls Baptist Church read the names from those towns. Lieut. Carl Herold, U.S.N.R., chaplain at the Portsmouth Navy Yard, gave the invocation, Rev. Floyd Kinsley of the Hampton Congregational Church the dedication prayer, and Rev. Lloyd Perrigo of the Hampton Baptist Church the benediction.

Click here for a larger photo.

Hampton paid tribute to her 200 men and women serving in the armed forces by dedicating an honor roll yesterday in the Hampton Depot yard. H. Clifford Bean of the American Legion Post No. 35, commemorated the plaque and the Hampton school band played. The exercises took place after a service in Hampton town square and visits to North Hampton and Hampton Falls, by the Legion.
(Portsmouth Herald photo)

Click here for a larger photo.

HAMPTON CENTER IN THE 1940’S: The Odd Fellows Building with the Town Clock in the Steeple, and on the ground floor was Tobey & Merrill Insurance Agency, and the Hampton Cooperative Bank; The Hampton Diner; First National Stores, Inc.; Sturgis Clothing Store; Tobey’s Drug Store; Orville Gauthier’s Barber Shop; and WWII Honor Roll on right.

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