By Edgar Guest
Teach the children of the Flag,
Let them know the joy it holds
In its sun-kissed rippling folds;
Don’t let patriotism lag:
Train them so that they will love
Every star and stripe above.
As you teach their lips to pray,
Teach them always to be true
To the red, the white and blue;
Praise the Flag from day to day,
Tell the children at your knee
All the joys of liberty.
Let them know and understand
How the Flag was born and why;
Tell how brave men went to die
Gladly for their native land;
Whisper to them that they must
Make the Flag their sacred trust.
Love of country ever starts
In the home and at your knee;
There the Flag shall come to be
Shrined in patriotic hearts;
They shall gladly serve their land
When they know and understand.