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Sculptor Says A Pedicure is Next

By Patrick Cronin

Hampton Union, Friday, May 29, 2009

[The following article is courtesy of the Hampton Union and Seacoast Online.]

The nose of the New Hampshire Marine Memorial at Hampton Beach was recently repaired by Greg Grady. A lady bug apears to be crawling on the eye on the right.
[Scott Yates Courtesy Photo]

The Lady of the Sea Marine Memorial at Hampton Beach recently received a nose job to repair its missing right nostril.

Greg Grady, the organizer behind the Master Sand Sculpting Competition at Hampton Beach, volunteered his time last week to repair the nose on the Marine Memorial just in time for the town’s Memorial Day observance.

The right side of the monument’s nose was damaged over 10 years ago.

“I didn’t want anyone to know,” said Grady. “I have been going down there for years, and always noticed that the nose was broken and what a shame it was.”

Grady said he received permission from Seacoast Parks Supervisor Brian Warburton to work on the statue, which was originally dedicated at the beach on May 30, 1957.

The statue, which was created by the late Alice E. Cosgrove, serves a memorial for to all of New Hampshire sons and daughters lost or buried at sea during World War II.

Warburton said he doesn’t know how the statue was originally damaged.

“It could have been vandalism or just wear and tear,” he said.

But what Grady originally thought was going to be an easy fix, turned out to be more difficult.

“When I got up there I was like ‘Wow, somebody already tried to fix it,'” Grady said. “When it broke someone must have found the pieces that broke off and adhered them back into place, but they didn’t find all the pieces.”

Grady said he made a clay mold of the nose and put what he calls a “temporary fix” on by filling in the missing pieces.

“I still have a little bit more work to do,” Grady said, “but the temporary fix could last about five years.”

After working on the nose, it was brought to his attention that the toe of the statue is also in need of repair.

“I never even noticed the toe,” Grady said. “Once the nose job is complete we will give her a pedicure.”

Grady, who is a master sand sculptor, said he learned the art of sculpting and repairing statues from a friend.

“He repaired a religious statue, and I asked him how to do it

and he taught me,” Grady said.

Grady said he wanted to repair the monument in honor of local resident Jerry McConnell, who served 10 years with the Marines, then another 10 years with the Air Force.

“I did it for him,” Grady said. “Jerry is a good man and has always been a part of the Memorial Day services. I did it for him and all the veterans.”

In addition to a nose job, resident Ed St. Pierre volunteered his time to power wash the statue and the Hampton Beach Beautification Committee placed urns filled with flowers around the statue to spruce up the area.

Linda Gebhart, of the Hampton Beach Beautification Committee, said Grady did a terrific job in repairing the statue.

“She really does look great,” Gebhart said. “He did an excellent job and you can’t even tell. Everything matches.”

Gebhart said her organization was able to purchase the flowers through donations from St. Pierre and Warburton.

“We just wanted to make the area nice,” Gebhart said, “It’s a landmark spot where a lot of people come and take pictures.

“It was a real community effort, and it’s going to look nice down there this summer,” she said.

The nose of the New Hampshire Marine Memorial at Hampton Beach was recently repaired by Greg Grady.
[Scott Yates Courtesy Photo]

The nose of the New Hampshire Marine Memorial at Hampton Beach was recently repaired by Greg Grady.
[Scott Yates Courtesy Photo]

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