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Old Home Day

1638 – Town of Hampton – 1961

138 Mill Road

Built probably betwen 1812 and 1820 by Deacon Jeremiah Hobbs and his son Obed, both of whom were jointers, on the former’s land, this house has been faithfully and painstakingly restored. According to Rockingham County records, the house, along with seven acres of land was deeded by the father, “with love and affection,” to the son in 1841 although Obed had presumably been living there for some years before that date.

What was once the side entrance to the house has now become the front entrance on Mill Road, or Windmill Road as it was once called. What had been the kitchen and “Borning room” is now the exquisite and spacious living room-dining room, made especially attractive by the careful restoration of the pine paneling and the hand-hewn ceiling beams. The paneling around the fireplace and the Christian doors in this room are especially noteworthy. The old shed has been converted into a kitchen retaining some of the original construction adapted to modern conveniences. The house is tastefully furnished with both antique and Victorian furniture. The wallpapers have been admirably chosen for the rooms in which they have been hung. The mantle-pieces above the several fireplaces in this house would do justice to many an early Salem Captain’s home.

Visitors to this house will enjoy the music provided for the occasion by Mrs. Bernard V. Jennings who will play the violincello accompanied by Mrs. John F. Higgins at the piano.

The old Hobbs house is now (1961) the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Langdon Spring.

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