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By Nancy Rineman

Atlantic News, Thursday, October 24, 2002

Vol. 28, No. 41

[The following article is courtesy of the Atlantic News]

A JOB WELL DONE — Winnacunnet senior Austin Bashline is flanked by his parents, Gary and Kate Bashline, his grandmother, Rita Graham, A.J. Dupere from the Division of Forests and Lands at the Urban Forestry Center, and Conservation Commission members Ellen Goethel and Vivian Marcotte. [Atlantic News Photo by Nancy Rineman]

HAMPTON — The woods of White’s Lane seem a little friendlier now, thanks to the efforts of Winnacunnet Senior Austin Bashline.

Austin was the driving force behind, a project that has given White’s Lane a new look that has already attracted the attention of nature lovers. In turn Austin has attracted the attention of the community and has earned himself the highest rank in scouting — the rank of Eagle Scout.

Visitors to White’s Lane will now enjoy a clear path while walking between Barbour Road and Mill Roads, and will have the opportunity to learn a few things as well. Austin, with the help of his fellow scouts in Troop 176, took on the challenge of cutting and clearing a path through the woods and cleaning the surrounding areas. With the help of Parker Survey volunteers, Austin arranged for the perimeter of the property to be marked, and with the assistance of A.J. Dupere of the Division of Forest and Lands at the Urban Forestry Center, Austin identified 15 types of trees along the way.

At Monday’s meeting of the Hampton board of selectmen, Austin was presented a certificate of appreciation by Ellen Goethel of the Hampton Conservation Commission, and was praised all around for his accomplishment.

Austin immediately credited the members of Troop 176, the Urban Forestry Center, and Parker Survey for all their donations of materials and time.

“I did a lot myself but most of it was having other people’s help,” Austin said. “It was a fun project.”

Austin said that 355 manhours were spent on the project, which also included having a pamphlet of the trails printed. And as an added touch, Austin saw to it that birdhouses were put up, and each scout in the troop is assigned to maintaining one birdhouse a responsibility to be carried out by the troop as years go on.

Austin’s project has succeeded in putting White’s Lane ‘on the map.” In fact, he also had a map drawn of the whole area, and was able to display that at Monday night’s meeting.

Selectmen took turns praising Austin and the contribution he has made to the town.

“You’re a credit to any community, especially ours,” Selectmen Chairman Jim Workman said.

Austin’s Eagle Scout Court of Honor will be held November 12th at the Hampton Falls Baptist Church, and he has extended an invitation to selectmen and the public.

“It’s open to all,” he said.

Austin also announced that a ribbon cutting ceremony at White’s Lane will take place sometime after his Court of Honor, another event he hopes all will attend.

[See also, Walkers enjoy new nature trail,

and Scout Flies High For Eagle Project,

and also, Memorial Street Signs: Robert K. White,

and, Hampton Plaques Project Completed]

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