Hampton Union, September 20, 1962

[The following article is courtesy of the Hampton Union and Seacoast Online.]

Passing into History was the Hampton Beach police station. The landmark, familiar to residents and visitors alike for nearly 50 years, was demolished in a few hours last Thursday. Police are awaiting the report of the Planning Board as to new permanent police facilities. [Courtesy Photo]

Construction crews made short work of Hampton’s famed historic police station in a quick demolition process last Thursday.

A large crane, employing a massive building wrecking ball of cement, completed the total destruction of the station. For nearly half a century the station has served Hampton and Hampton Beach. During the past decade the headquarters had become badly antiquated throughout and was in need of major repairs. The cells and “bull pen”, located in the basement area were outmoded. Sewerage pipes which had run the length of the ceiling beneath the floor of the men’s and women’s toilets were consistent problems to the police custodian and town sewerage department crews with frequent leaks occuring.

Few persons, even in Hampton, would realize the actual inadequate police facilities for modern times unless they had ventured into the station. Cooped up in one corner of the station, in one room, was the booking desk, files, radio transmitter, clerical desk, chief’s office and interrogation room.

Town sewerage crews made emergency repairs and temporary remodeling in the two toilets last spring, to carry them through the summer months.

Although the police department is now without permanent quarters, at least temporarily, few persons connected with the historic structure were sorry to see it go.

When the plans were completed for construction of the $350,000 beach front facility recently, the station reverted to the State and consequently to the contractor who is now erecting the new beach front structure. The town was assured of reimbursement of $1400 prior to the actual demolition project.

On the site of the station, which has been the scene of many an event, will be the south wing of the new beach front project. The exact purpose of this building has not been entirely determined to date but it will be similar to the structure which will house the new chamber of commerce headquarters and travel agency building.

Work on the central project is progressing rapidly. State officials reported the mason work as being approximately 75 per cent completed this week. Much of the remaining work consists of the setting of glass, some steel and much carpenter work. Both the men’s and women’s toilets are nearing completion. A portion of the men’s toilets will be partitioned off during the winter months to provide for winter facilities. This section will be heated and will enable other portions of the area to be closed off for the winter. Janitorial services will be provided.

[Editor’s note: The original Hampton Police Station sign is currently (2012) on display at the Tuck Memorial Museum at 40 Park Avenue, thanks to Officer Pat Ring, formerly in HPD.]