Hampton Police Department

Hampton Union, Thursday, August 23, 1956

[A Colt Photo]

Safety and Courtesy was the watchword in 1956

SAFETY AND COURTESY has been the watchword of the Hampton Police Department this summer as Chief John J. Malek and his officers have compiled an enviable record while safeguarding the lives and property of the hundreds of thousands of visitors at Hampton Beach. The entire squad of both regular and special police officers include, left to right, front row — Lloyd C. Ring, Clayton LaBrack, Sgt. Richard Kidd, Chief Malek, Sgt. John B. Marston Sr., Clifford H. Eastman, Paul Leavitt, Clifford Eastman, Jr. Back row, left to right — George Daland, Sherman Lovering, Howard Noyes, Donald Dunbrack, Walter Durant, John B. Marston, Jr., Richard Bergeron, Kent Williams, Andrew Maguire, Spencer Sullivan and Edward Keough.