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[Inventory of the estate of Edmund Johnson of Hampton, taken by Robert Page, Robert Tuck, and Jeffrey Mingy March 4, 1650/1; amount, £111.19.0.] [Essex County, Mass., Probate Files.]

[Administration on the estate of Edmund Johnson granted to his widow, Mary Johnson, April 8, 1651.]

[Order of court Oct 7, 1651, that the children have the following portions out of the estate: Peter Johnson, the oldest, £32 at the age of twenty-one, John Johnson £16 at the age of twenty-one, James Johnson £16 at the age of twenty-one, and Dorcas Johnson £16 at the age of eighteen or day of marriage with her mother’s consent. Thomas Coleman, step-father to said children, was ordered to give bond in the sum of £80, and to bind over the house and land in Hampton belonging to the estate for these payments, and he was to pay the cost of educating the children, having them taught to read and write.]
[Norfolk County, Mass., Court Records.]

Wheras at ye Court held at Hampton the (7th) of ye (8th) mo : 1653 It was ordered yt ye Children of Edmond Jonson late of Hampton deceased should have out of their fathers estate for their portions as followeth viz Peter Jonson the eldest thirty two pounds att ye age of one & twenty years John Jonson sixteen pound att ye age of one & twenty years James Jonson sixteen pound att ye age of one & twenty years & Dorcas Jonson sixteen pound att ye age of eighteen years or at ye day of hir marriage wth hir mothers consent wch of ym shall first happen.

Know yea that I Thomas Coleman father in law [step-father] unto the aforesaid Childeren doe by these prsents bind my selfe my heires Executors & Administrators unto ye govermt of ye Massachusets in Newengland in ye full & intire some of fower score pound of currant money to pay the aforesayd Legasies unto the aforesayd Childeren respectively or according to ye order of ye Court abovesayd As also to bee att the charges of ye Educacon of the sayd childeren and to have them taught to write & read. And for ye more sure Performance of ye prmisses: according to ye order of ye sayd court I doe with the full & free consent of Mary my wyfe (mother unto ye sayd Childeren) bind over in security (unto the sayd Govermt) for ye Performance of ye sayd Legasies or portions allotted unto the sayd childeren by the Court aforesayd as also for their educacon as aforesayd all those lands that did belonge to the aforesd Edmon Jonson liing & being wthin ye bounds of the towne of Hampton aforesayd & now in ye possession of mee the sayd Thom : Coleman : As namely eight acres of Salt marsh butting uppon ye great Oxe Com’on on ye : E : Tho : Moulton on ye (S : W) Edward Colcord on ye (N. E) ye town wast. And three acres of fresh medow butting uppon ye great Sault marsh on ye (N E) Jno Wedgewood : (N) the land of Tho: Moulton (S). And six acres of fresh medow bounded in wth a ditch willi : Maston on ye (S W) willi Cole on ye (N. E.) & a highway to ye Oxe common (N) And fower acres more of fresh medow joyning to Robert Tucks on ye (N W) & Phile: Dalton on
ye (S) & Tho : Ward (N) : And eight acres more of Salt marsh att ye falls butting uppon ye River towards the beach : Twelve acres of upland liing in ye (E) feild willi: Samborn on ye (S) and a Swamp on ye (N) and land of Jno Huggins on ye (E) and a high way on ye (N) And a houselott tenn acres The street on ye (N) willi : Samborn on ye (So) Tho : Smith on ye (E) and ye meeting : house uppon ye (W). And halfe an acre of Land planted wth Apple trees joining to Jno Redmans on ye (S) & the street on ye (N) To ye Performance of all wch ye abovesayd condicons I the said Tho : Coleman doe hereunto sett my hand & seale this (16th) day of ye (8th) mo 1653

Tho: Coleman wth a Seale to itt

Signed Sealed & delivered to use of ye govermt aforesaid in ye pr of us. Tho : Bradbury
Wymond Bradbury
Jacob Hooke

This was acknowledged in Court by Tho: Coleman to be his act & deed, Salisbury ye (12th) (2d mo 1654. Tho: Bradbury recd

[Norfolk County, Mass., Deeds, vol. 1, p. 31.]