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June ye 4th 58

Goodman Mingy sick gave Eliakim wardell that peece of land wch lyeth one the left hand of the bridg as wee goe to Exeter

It ten Ackers of upland in the great Lot one the other side of the way one the right hand one the other side of the bridg

and the fresh Medow in the great Medow

and the salt Marash that lyeth by Mr Stanells

and one Cow Coman, and one oxe Coman & 2 acres & ½ of Swamp then saed goodwife Mingy Hussband give him what [you] will he shall have it to a farthing, then sayed goodman Mingy hee will stand in need of a yoake of beastes but I will leave it to youer libertie whether he shall have the young ones or the ould ones.

and all the rest I give to my wife

then Jonathan Thing sayed who should have it but shee that hath wrought for it

This was attested by Anthony Tayler & Phillip his wyfe uppon their oathe. In ye court held att Hampton ye 5th 8th mo : 58 :

Tho : Bradbury recd

[Essex County, Mass., Probate Files, and Norfolk County, Mass., Deeds, vol. 1, pg. 76.)

[Inventory of the estate of Jeffrey Mingy of Hampton, taken by Samuel Dalton, Thomas Coleman, and Anthony Taylor July 2, 1658; amount, £318.5.0.]