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The last will & Testamt of John Hugins sen. aged about 61 : years being made & signed this 31st: of May 1670 * * *

I John Huggins of Hampton in ye County of Norfolk in newengland doe make & declare this my last will & Testamt * * *

as for ye outward estate wch god hath given mee as it is ye will of god so my will is yt out of it my debts be first payd & then my wyfe & Childeren should live of ye rest I doe therfore for ye Christian Educacon of my younger children give to my deare & beloved wyfe Bridget ye imprvmt of my now dwelling house & land adjoyning, together wth ye meadow Com’onages, & any other rights & privilidges appurteyning therunto as also two oxen, two cowes, & one heifer two years old wth sixteen sheepe & lambs duering ye terme of her naturall life after wch ye proprietie of ye abovsd lands to bee disposed of to my Childeren who have not yet received their portions according to ye reasonable will of my said wyfe

Item I give to my sone John six acres of land more or less in ye east feild as it is lay’d out wth a cow Com’onage and all other rights belonging therunto, as also my right in some land in ye woods com’only called mr Legatts, besides wth other guifts & portion hee hath received of me already in cattle or otherwise to his owne proper use & behoofe for ever, I doe also appoint my dearly beloved wyfe Bridgett & my loveing sone John Executor & Executrix of this my last will & Testamt & have accordingly herto set my hand & seale this May 31: 1670

John hugin wth a seale to it

Signed & Sealed in ye prsence

Seaborne Cotton
Will: ffuller

[Proved Oct. 11, 1670.]
[Norfolk County, Mass., Deeds, vol. 2, p. 192.]

[Inventory of the estate of “John Huggins, Sener of Hampton Late deceased upon The Seaventh day of June 1670” taken by William Fuller, John Sanborn, and Henry Dow June 30, 1670; amount, £177.1.0.]
[Essex County, Mass., Probate Files.]