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[Administration on the estate of John Locke of Hampton granted to his sons, John Locke and Joseph Locke, both of Hampton, March 4, 1706/7.]
[Probate Records, vol. 4, p. 335.]

[Bond of John Locke and Joseph Locke of Hampton, yeomen, with Edward Locke and James Locke of Hampton, yeomen, as sureties, March 4, 1706/7, in the sum of £100, for the administration of the estate; witnesses, James Leavitt and Charles Story.]

[Warrant, March 4, 1706/7, authorizing Theodore Atkinson and James Randall, both of Newcastle, to receive claims against the estate. Endorsed
“Pro: N: Hamp:
Notifications Were posted In Each Town in this Province And Att Kittery According to the Within order but Noe Claimers Appeared Given Under our hands the 3d Oct 1707
Theodore Atkinson
James Rendle”]

[Inventory, May 19, 1707; amount, £64.7.0; signed by James Randall and William Seavey.]

[Claim of Robert Elliot against the estate, attested Feb. 3, 1707/8; amount £55.4.0; signed by Robert Elliot; allowed Feb. 3, 1707/8.]

[Administrators’ account against the estate: amount, £60.7.0, in which is a debt of £55.4.0 paid to Robert Elliot; “Inventory Amo to 64:7:0: four pounds of which is to be divided Among tenn Children the Eldest sonn to have a double portion the Admrs to take care for Maintenance of their Mother.” Allowed May 4, 1708.]

[Division of the estate of John Locke of Newcastle, May 4, 1708, among the ten children, John Locke, oldest son, Nathaniel Locke, Edward Locke, William Locke, James Locke, Joseph Locke, Alice Locke, Phenea Locke, Rebecca Locke, and Mary Locke, the administrators to maintain the widow during her natural life.]
[Probate Records, vol. 4, p. 107.]