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The last will & testamt of John Moulton of Hampton beeing in his perfitt sences Doth will & beequeath as ffolloweth: Imp to my Sonne Henry Moulton tenn acres of fresh marsh by the beach on ye South side of the river; Item one acre fresh marsh wch is given him for a way butting uppon his bridg towards the South and ye upground towards the north. It : give tenn acres & a halfe of Sale marsh butting on Willi ffullars towards ye south west, & ye river towards the east liing in the south side of Willi Sanborne. It : I give to henry tenn acres of upground : in ye East feild in ye East side of Willi ffifeild, & one share of com’onage att my decese: It : I give to Ann my wife my house & house Lott, & ten acres liing att ye end of ye sayd house Lott & seven acres of fresh medow more or lesse in the west medowes, two acres of ffresh medow liing on ye South side of my Sonn Henry’s fresh medow att ye beach, & tenn acres of Salt marsh & halfe liing on ye being more or less, & five acres of salt marsh that is yett to bee appointed, all this I doe give to my beeloved wyfe duering hir life It : I doe make my wife my Sole Executrix & doe give to ye say’d Ann my wyfe all my cattell, & all my moveable goods, excepting one calfe to John. The rest to hir disposeing according to hir discression : It : I give to my Sonn John Mouton after my wyfes decease the house, & house Lott, & the tenn Acres adjoyning to itt : It : I give to ye say’d John my sonne two Cowe Com’onages. It : I give to my Sonne John one Oxe com’onage It : I give to my Sonne seven acres of fresh medow more or lesse in ye west meddowes. It : I give to my Sonne John tenn acres of Salt marsh more or less liing on ye south side of my Sonne Henry’s & five acres of Salt marsh
wch is yett to be appointed) all these several guifts I doe give to my Sonne John after my wyfe’s decease wth this Proviso yt wthin one whole yeare after my wyfe’s decease my sonne John shall pay or cause to bee payd five pounds to my daughter Jane Moulton, & in two whole yeares after my wyfe’s decease five pounds to my Daughter Bridgett & in case my Sonne John doth not pay unto his two sisters afore sayd ye tenn pound, then my will is my two daughters shall have the two acres of fresh marsh liing on ye South side of my Sonne Henry’s, & tenn acres & halfe of Salt marsh more or less liing on ye South side of my Sonne Henry’s marsh, & in case my Sonne John doth die before hee bee possest, of thes house & lands then my will is yt the house & all the lands shalbee equally divided, to all my childeren excepting Henry. And I give twelve acres of upland more or less in ye East feild, on ye east side of willi Esto’s twelve acres to bee equally devided between Mary Samborne & my daughter Ann, & my daughter Jane, & my daughter bridgett, & I give unto my Sonn Samborne tenn acres of Salt marsh wch is yett to be appointed, & I give to my Sonne Samborne fower acres of Salt marsh liing on ye South side of Christopher Pallmers, & ye north side of my Sonn Henries) It I give in to my daughter Ann three acres of fresh marsh att ye beach next John Brownes, fresh meddow. It : I give to my daughter Ann tenn acres of salt marsh wch is yett to bee appointed : Also my will is yt my Sonne John shall have a way to his ten acres & a halfe of Salt marsh through his brother Henry’s Salt marsh this I doe confirme to bee the true intent of my will witness my hand this prsent day being ye (23d) of January (1649)

by mee John Moulton

witnessed to this
Robert Tuck
Willi Estowe

[Proved Oct. 1, 1650.]

[Norfolk County, Mass., Deeds, vol. 1, p. 7.]