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[Administration on the estate of Jonathan Cram of Hampton granted to Benjamin Cram of Hampton, March 7, 1703/4.]
[Probate Records, vol. 4, p. 273.]

[Warrant, March 7, 1703/4, authorizing Peter Weare and Daniel Tilton, both of Hampton, to appraise the estate of Jonathan Cram, administration of which is granted to his brother, Benjamin Cram; bears signatures of Daniel Tilton and Peter Weare.]

[Bond of Benjamin Cram, Jr., of Hampton, yeoman, with Timothy Hilliard of Hampton and Thomas Rollins of Exeter, yeomen, as sureties, March 7, 1703/4, in the sum of £100, for the administration of the estate; witnesses, Richard Joce and Charles Story.]

[Inventory, March 18, 1703/4; amount, £32.13.0; an addition of £10.12.0 attested by Benjamin Cram May 2, 1704.]

this agreement made & concludid this 22d day of Decemb 1704. Betwene John Cram, Benjamin Cram Joseph Cram, Sarah Cram, mary Cram, William Fifield in Right of his wife formerly Hannah Cram, Hester Cram, Samuell Melsher in Right of his Wife, formerly Elizabeth Cram, (as followeth) (viz)

That where as Jonathan Cram late of Hampton in ye Province of New Hampshr Deceased (Intestated) And Administration to said Deceased Jonathan Cram Estate is Granted unto Benjamin Cram above named, And for a devision and full settelment of the Estate which our dear Brother had in his lifetime, Wee the above named persons to this agreement do for our Selves our Heirs & Successers Covenant & agree to and with each other, that after all Debts, Charges, & funerall expences be Justly & honistly paid, the Remainder of the Estate of the Deceased as it is Inventoryed by the Adminrs be equally devided betwene us the eight abov named partys to this agreement, And if any Estat which of Right belonged to our said Brother in his life time Shall here after be known, or appear to be, or belong to our sd Brother Jonathan Cram Deceased, It shall also be eaqually devided among us the above named partys to this agreement our Lawfull Heirs or Successers; And this Agreement to be a full Settelment of the Estate of our Dear Brother Jonathan Cram deceased made by us the above named partys And we pray the Judg of Probats to allow the Same, And that it be Recorded in the Regesters office In Witnes hereof Wee the above named persons named in this Agreement have set to our hands & Seals this twenty second day of Decembr Anno Dom. one thousand seaven hundred and four in the third year of Queen Anne her Reign over England &c—

John Cram [seal]
Benjamin Cram [seal]
Joseph Cram [seal]
sarah X Cram [seal]
her mark
Mary X Cram [seal]
William fifield [seal]
Easta X Cram [seal]
her mark
sam melcher [seal]

Signed Sealed & owned
in presence of us—
Peter Weare
Daniell Tilton

[Acknowledged Dec. 22, 1704; allowed Jan. 2, 1704/5]

[Account of Benjamin Cram, administrator, against the estate; amount, £4.19.10; allowed in Jan., 1704/5.]