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[Administration on the estate of Thomas Chase granted to his widow, Elizabeth Chase, Oct. 5, 1652.]
[Norfolk County, Mass., Court Records.]

[Inventory of the estate of Thomas Chase of Hampton, dated June 2, 1653; taken by Robert Pay, Abraham Perkins, and William Fifield; amount, £111.18.10; attested by Elizabeth Chase, the widow.]
[Essex County, Mass., Probate Files.]

[Order of court Oct. 4, 1653, that the five children of Thomas Chase of Hampton shall have out of their father’s estate these amounts: Thomas Chase, the oldest, £16, and Joseph Chase, James Chase, Isaac Chase, and Abraham Chase £8 each, when they are twenty-one years of age. The widow, Elisabeth Chase, gave bond in the sum of £50, with Thomas Philbrick and John Cass as sureties.]
[Norfolk County, Mass., Court Records.]

[Order of court, Oct. 3, 1654, with the consent of the administratrix, that the children’s portions be paid out of the lands.]
[Norfolk County, Mass., Court Records.]

[Order of court, Oct. 10, 1665, appointing Christopher Hussey, Ensign John Sanborn, and Thomas Philbrick, Jr., a committee to divide the estate among the children, with the consent of the administratrix, she to have £4 out of the lands.]
[Norfolk County, Mass., Court Records.]

[Guardianship of Isaac Chase granted to his brother, Thomas Chase, April 9, 1667.]
[Norfolk County, Mass., Court Records.]