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These photos are from an undated issue of the Atlantic News, perhaps, given the title image, from February 1976.

In 1957 the Town of Hampton was building a road across the marsh to the beach. A bridge was constructed at the site of an 18th century Tide Mill. Today thousands of summer tourists and townfolks cross the Tide Mill Bridge on Route 51. [Note: Now Route 101, Hampton Beach to Manchester, N.H.]

By July of 1961 a road bed had been laid out across the marsh using local garbage and rock and gravel fill. Thousands of seagulls would descend on the road bed every day after the workmen had completed their work to rummage through the garbage that had not been completely covered. Soon after the town had completed the road the state took over the road. Our picture shows that section of what is now Route 51 looking east just across the Tide Mill Bridge and east of St. James Masonic Temple.

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