Chapter 12 Photographs

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Municipal Affairs

An annotated chronology of town meetings

(Note: Page numbers are from Mr. Randall’s book.)

Page 422: A collection of Hampton dignitaries on Exeter Road, 1898. Left to right (with town offices held at one time or another): librarian and selectman Simeon Albert Shaw, selectman Clarence M. Dearborn, tax collector and chief of police Clinton J. Eaton, supervisor of the checklist and selectman Hugh Brown, highway agent William S. Brown, selectman Joseph Ballard Brown, and selectman, library committeeman, postmaster, and school board member (and school janitor) Charles M. Batchelder. Courtesy Wayne P. Bryer.

Page 429: Property-tax bill for George W. Barbour, 1902 [$34.73].

Page 433: Christopher G. Toppan, farmer, selectman, and school board member. Photograph by Mary Toppan Clark. [Note trolley at left of photo.] Courtesy Wilma Toppan White.

Page 439: Joseph Ballard (Joe Billy) Brown, long-time selectman and school clerk. Courtesy MHGMHA.

Page 440: Mothers’ Circle picnic, North Beach. Note bathhouses behind the group. Courtesy Ansell Palmer.

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