Chapter 17 Photographs

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Serving Their Country at Home and in Battle

Hampton Men and Women Endure Four Tragic Wars

World War I

(Note: Page numbers are from Mr. Randall’s book.)

Page 654: Hampton veterans, and possibly Boy Scouts, lining up on Lafayette Road, perhaps on Memorial Day, 1917, since some of the uniformed men in the background appear to be World War I soldiers. Standing at right are members of the Grand Army of the Republic, Civil War veterans: The Reverend John A. Ross, honorary member, Tom L. Perkins, Jeremiah Gilman Mace with the flag, John S. Gilman, Orlando L. Blake, George Dow of Salisbury, Henry Perkins, honorary member, John W. Warner, Oliver H. Godfrey, and Otis Marston. Courtesy Gertrude Lamprey.

Page 654: Parked adjacent to Brooks Garage in Hampton Center, waiting to go to a Carnival Week parade in September 1918, are veterans of the Grand Army of the Republic, Perkins Post 78: Commander Oliver H. Godfrey, front seat, and Jeremiah Gilman Mace, Orlando L. Blake, Otis H. Whittier, Warren Perkins, and Jacob T. Godfrey. Courtesy Gertrude Palmer.

Page 656: Jacob T. Godfrey, 1863, in his Civil War uniform. Courtesy Gertrude Palmer.

Page 657: Rest rooms of the War Camp Community Service at the Ashwsorth, World War I. Courtesy Myra Driscoll.

Page 659: Edmund A. Ring in World War I uniform. Courtesy Beverly Ring Prakop and Lloyd C. Ring, Jr.

Page 659: Herbert L. Tobey, a leading Hampton businessman, organized the Hampton Co-operative Bank and was a partner with Dean Merrill in their insurance agency. As town clerk from 1917 through 1919, he was a leader in the town’s war-related efforts. Courtesy Tobey and Merrill Insurance Agency.

World War II

Page 664: World War II Women’s Auxiliary Police. Front row, from left: Hazel Coffin, Ethel Munsey, Clara Gale, and Rea Harkness. Middle row: Winifred Brown, Anna Elwell, Helen Hayden, and Ruth Palmer. Back row: Sarah Hadley, Dorothy Chase, Mary Howe, and Carolyn Joubert. These women patrolled the streets of their neighborhoods enforcing blackout laws and other special rules in effect during the war. Both the women and the men wardens received Red Cross first-aid training and they conducted simulated emergencies for training. Courtesy Helen Worledge Hayden.

Page 665: World War II Men’s Auxiliary Police on the steps of the Court House, March 1942. Front row, from left: Morrill Paul, Herbert A. Casassa, Scott W. Paul, and John A. Churchill. Middle row: Thomas H. O’Brien, Norman Coffin, Lawrence C. Hackett, John B. Scruton, and Cecil Seavey. Back row: Robert O. A. Elliot, Edward S. Seavey, Jr., Arnold Hammond, Fred R. Batchelder, and G. Roland Janvrin. Courtesy H. Alfred Casassa.

Page 667: George Ashworth’s World War II ration book. Courtesy Myra Driscoll.

Page 671: Ring Brothers in World War II uniforms: Lloyd (Pat), Myrle, and Wendell (Buster). Courtesy Beverly Ring Prakop and Lloyd C. Ring, Jr.

Page 673: Rita Palmer, army nurse and prisoner of war, March 1945. Left shoulder medals are Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Philippines decoration, Philippines Defense, Asiatic with two stars, Pre-Pearl Harbor. Right shoulder medals are Presidential Citation with two oak leaf clusters, left sleeve with six stripes, each stripe representing six months overseas. Courtesy Ansell Palmer.

Korean War, Vietnam War, New Hampshire Marine Memorial

Page 676: Memorial Day at the New Hampshire Marine Memorial [dedicated May 30, 1957]. Peter E. Randall photograph.
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