Chapter 18 Photographs

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Artists, Authors, and Actors

(Note: Page numbers are from Mr. Randall’s book.)

Page 678: Lucy E. Dow, who completed her father’s history of Hampton after he died, from The Granite Monthly, July 1896.

Page 682: The General Moulton House, Hampton’s most historic dwelling. Courtesy MHGMHA.

Page 684: Once the Palmer House, later the Creighmore, and now apartments, 478 High Street. Courtesy Jewell Brown.

Community Celebrations

Page 687: Founder’s Park and Meeting House Green dedication, October 14, 1925. Ervine Drake with his team and dog; “Goody Cole,” impersonated by Dorothy Tilton; the “affected Marston child,” Helen Lamprey; “three Quaker women,” Gertrude Paulsen, Mary McIntosh and Edith Rowe; and the “Town Constable” with a whip, Allen Skoog. Courtesy Gertrude Paulsen Palmer.

Page 687: Replica of the first church, Founder’s Day parade, 1925. Courtesy MHGMHA.

Page 688: Costumed children during 1938 300th anniversary. Left to right: Teddy Batchelder, Shirley Stickney, Elliot Noyes, Debra Wheeler, and, front, Natalie Brooks. Courtesy Edwin L. Batchelder, Jr.

Page 688: Gundalow float, 1938 tercentenary parade. Courtesy Alzena Elliot.

Dutch Elm Disease

Page 695: The famous Elmwood elm on Winnacunnet Road, with the old Johnson store at right. Courtesy MHGMHA.

Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant

Page 698: One of the most controversial photographs ever taken of Hampton, this view of the main beach and the looming Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant appeared in the December 1982 issue of National Geographic magazine. The use of a long telephoto lens foreshortened the approximately 2-mile distance between the plant and the beach, making the construction project appear to be within a few yards of Ocean Boulevard. Hampton selectmen complained about the photograph in a letter to the magazine, fearing that the view gave an unfavorable impression of Hampton Beach to the magazine’s 10 million readers. The view does accent local concerns about evacuating Hampton Beach in the event of an accident at the plant. Photograph by Sandy Felsenthal, courtesy the photographer and the National Geographic Society.

The Hampton Nuns Case

Page 705: The Hampton nuns, from left: Sister Honora Reardon, Sister Mary Rita Furlong, Sister Catherine Colliton, and Sister Justine Colliton. Ralph Morang III photograph.

Stormy Weather

Page 709: Homer Johnson, left, drove a Boston Globe reporter to the Beach on March 21, 1923, the day after fire destroyed several buildings; including the new Beach firehouse. The team was used because severe winter storms kept the Beach road closed from January through early April. Courtesy Homer Johnson.

Page 709: Snowplowing near the Casino, February 1934 [with “Miss Hampton” snowplow]. Courtesy Lorraine King Brown.

Page 710: Winter storm clogs Lafayette Road, 1930s. Courtesy MHGMHA.

Page 710: Blizzard, Hampton Center, 1930s. Lamies Tavern at center background. Courtesy Lorraine King Brown.

Page 712: Winter storm destroying the town parking lot, main beach, early 1930s. Jack Hayden photograph.

Page 712: Winter storm ravaged the beach in front of the Casino, ca. 1939. The State planned to build a breakwater in this section but the work was delayed because of World War II. Note domed Casino tower built for the 1938 Tercentenary Exposition. Courtesy Helen Worledge Hayden.

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