Chapter 5 Photographs Back to Table of Contents

The Tidal Marshes

Hay, Mosquitoes, Development, and Conservation

(Note: Page numbers are from Mr. Randall’s book.)

Page 266: Out on the marsh at high tide in a dory. Courtesy Janet Fitzgerald.

Page 266: Well-dressed farmers pitching up marsh hay. Courtesy MHGMHA.

Page 269: The Old Tide Mill with a gundalow, Tide Mill Creek. Courtesy Wilma Toppan White.

Plate 1: Hampton’s most prominent landmark, Great Boar’s Head, and the congested main beach with the Neil R.Underwood Bridge at top left and the Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant at top right. Peter E. Randall photograph.

Plate 2: The Hampton Beach Casino, ca. 1960, with an antique automobile display. Courtesy Stanwood Brown.

Plate 3 Great Boar’s Head, Tarlton’s fish house, and Hampton Beach by A. W. Fuller. No date but possibly 1860’s. Paintings courtesy of Wayne P. Bryer.

Plate 4: The Winnicumet House at Rocky Bend, built 1819 and burned in 1854, possibly painted by A. W. Fuller. Paintings courtesy of Wayne P. Bryer.

Plate 5: Early view of Great Boar’s Head and North Beach, no date, painted by “E. J. G.”. Courtesy Wayne P. Bryer.

Plate 6: Aerial view of Hampton River and the marsh with the Hampton River Boat Club and the Landing at center, then man-made Nudd’s Canal, the high ground at the Willows (Island Path), the main beach and the river entrance. Straight lines in the marsh are ditches, most of them cut by farmers or dug during the Depression for mosquito control. Peter E. Randall photograph.

Plate 7: The Landing at the turn of the century, painted by Caroline T. Cutler. Courtesy Wayne P. Bryer.

Plate 8: Farmers cutting a ditch in the marsh, by “A. H.” The ditches helped to drain off the wettest areas to make haying easier. Courtesy Wayne P. Bryer.

Plate 9: Farmers stacking marsh hay, by Charles Henry Turner. Courtesy MHGMHA.

Plate 10: Idyllic scene of gundalow bringing hay up Hampton River to the Landing. Painting by Charles Henry Turner. Courtesy MHGMHA.

Plate 11:The fishhouses and the old Moulton House, North Beach. Painting by Charles Henry Turner. Courtesy MHGMHA.

Plate 12: Aerial view of Winnacunnet Road. In the foreground are the Sacred Heart School, Hampton Cinemas and the Galley Hatch, then along Winnacunnet Road from the left, are Odyssey House, the Hampton Baptist Church and parsonage, Centre School, Bank Meridian [the Hampton Town Office in November 1999], the Lane Memorial Library, The Hampton District Court House, the First Congregational Church, the Town Office [1949-1999], and the fire station. At center is Hampton Academy Junior High School and at right center is Marston School. Peter E. Randall photograph.

Page 271: Men poling (carrying on long poles) salt-marsh hay with another man carrying a loafer rake. Courtesy Wayne P. Bryer.

Page 272: Stacy Nudd hauling a gundalow loaded with marsh hay in Nudd’s Canal. On board are Paul and John Nudd and George Brown, 1912. Courtesy Doris and Carl Bragg.

Page 279:A clambake on the marsh. Courtesy A. Roland Bragg.

Page 281: A party of picnickers heading down river by gundalow. Courtesy MHGMHA.

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