Chapter 7 Photographs

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Boar’s Head

Glaciers, Vikings, and Erosion

(Note: Page numbers are from Mr. Randall’s book. )

Page 304: Diagram showing size of original drumlin of which only the present Great Boar’s Head remains. From “The Erosion of Great Boar’s Head” by Albert N. Dow, 1925. Courtesy Wayne P. Bryer.

Page 307: Thorvald’s Rock, showing the “runic” markings. The stone has been moved to Meeting House Green [40 Park Avenue]. Photograph by Arthur Moody.

Page 310: Early view of Great Boar’s Head with the Fifty Steps in the foreground, ca. 1890, from Souvenir Booklet, 1902. Courtesy Janet Fitzgerald.

Page 310: The top of Boar’s Head with the first new cottages. Courtesy Janet Fitzgerald.

Page 313: The Samuel K. Bell estate, Boar’s Head. Courtesy Jewell Brown.

Page 313: The Windham, the Boar’s Head cottage of the Worledge family. On the porch are Ethel and Marion Nudd, Mrs.Ella Worledge, and her daughter, Helen Worledge Hayden. Courtesy of the latter.

Page 314: View north from the tip of Great Boar’s Head, the New Boar’s Head Hotel at left. Courtesy Kittery Historical and Naval Museum.

Page 314: Lewis P. Nudd, left, and his father, Joseph L. Nudd, haying on Boar’s Head, circa 1910. Courtesy Madeline Nudd.

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